Chapter fifteen 🌺:The Escape.

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~Life is a game and true love is the trophy 🏆

Irene's POV

  I dash into my house and immediately, found my bag and without wasting time I shoved my clothes and my father's in the bag. All these I did with tears bursting out of my eyes rapidly, I didn't notice when someone walked in.

"Irene!" A very familiar voice rushed toward me unpacking my already arranged shoved clothes.

"Hadrian stop!" I say recognizing him when he came closer.

"What do you think you are doing?!" He yelled, the first time.
"I am leaving, I will not sit and watch them hang or behead or whatever it is they think of doing to my father. I just have to go!" I hooked crying profusely.

Hadrian held my arms firmly as he turned my body to face him directly.

"Irene!" He tries to get my attention, my big watery eyes were fixed on his sea rover blue eyes sweeping through them trying to figure out why he cared.

"Listen to me," he says in a calm tone with reassuring eyes.

I heaved a big sigh as I sit on the bed burying my face in my hands and sobbing. The last time I felt such pain was when I lost my brother, all I wanted to do was find him, I had lost everything and my father was all I had left.

"I don't know what else to do, he is all I have, if he dies, I will never forgive myself" I sniff.

"I understand, look at me Irene," he says taking part of my hair to the back of my ear and cupping my face with his hands making our eyes meet. I felt so ashamed crying in front of the prince.

"You can't leave like this, you have zero chances of getting through the guards" he gets up sighing.

 "So what should I do?" I ask getting up slowly too.

"I have a better chance of getting past the guards, wait for me by the small gate close to the lower city. I will bring you your father" he offers. What? Why would he want to help me?

"No, you've already done so much for me, I cannot bother you again" I wipe my tears moving close to him and for the first, I saw the height difference, he just towered over me.

"I will do it nonetheless, just do as I have said okay?"

I nod sheepishly and he gives a broad smile leaving me to continue with my packing.


     Hadrian's POV
I waited for the perfect time when the moon met the sun, now it was nightfall. I could make my move.

I walk through the hallways with every guard and maid I pass greeting me. I simply not at them.  I arrive at the dungeon, particularly Dion's dungeon, the guards stood so sharply. I burnt some hay mixed with a sleeping draught I got from Leo. I waited patiently for them to drift off before taking the key from their pockets.

"We have to go," I say on seeing Dion after getting the keys and unlocking the gates, his eyes swollen, evidence from his crying.

"Your majesty?" He looked surprised.

"We don't have much time, there's a way out through the tunnels beneath us, come on," I say as he follows obediently.

"What about my daughter?, I cannot leave without saying goodbye" He asks immediately.

"There is no worry, she awaits you just up ahead" I point forward.

He didn't try to press further, he just followed me obediently then the warning bells went off.

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