Chapter 44

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Hi, how are you?
Here's another one for you, I love this one too.
I hope you enjoy.

Irene's POV
My legs flew faster than I expected, the roaring voices from behind me got closer each step I took but that didn't stop my motivation to get out of Cedric's reach as possible. My feet felt soar and my knees were trembling, that didn't stop me, I increased my pace but it was short lived when I came in contact with a steep hill and slid down causing my ankle to twist in pain. I screamed trying to stand up but to no avail, the pain was too much, I fell abruptly to the ground countless times as I struggled to get up.

"There" one guard from behind me shouted and jumped down to meet me, I scurried on the floor using my hands as an aid to draw back. The guard have a sinister smile and moved closer.

Drawing a handful of sand, I threw it at him and fumbled to make my way up the other side. He groaned and pulled me by my hair back to the ground just behind him. I whimpered on the floor holding firm onto my injured leg. The guard drew closer and held my arms at my back while on my knees.

The figures from the daylight drew closer to the steep hill and Cedric came to view. His puzzled face glaring at me.

"Where is the Prince and that traitor?" He turned to the guard after jumping down to meet us.

"I apologize sir but it was only the girl we could find" the guard bowed. Cedric frowned and threw his hand in the air before slapping the guard. The guards cry caused me to close my eyes shut and even feel for him.

"No, you got fooled by a servant girl" he roared, his gaze turning to meet me before drawing closer "Where are they, Irene?" he asked, anger clearly rising in his tone.

"You will never find them, never!" I spat at him.

"You are a brave woman Irene but be rest assured that I will make sure I deal with you before you Prince charming comes to rescue the day" he gave a sly smile.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and shook my head away from the thoughts of what wicked things Cedric could do.

"You will make a fine lady in waiting for me" he pulled my hair in his hands, causing me to sob "Hadrian won't forget this" he said before throwing me down "the her up, the prince will come to me, we proceed to Arran!" He shouted before leaving me.

I could feel myself plummet to the ground as painful sons escaped my mouth. Two more guards approached me, pulling me up forcefully, I cried from the hurtful pain coming from my leg. I prayed silently to God and asked him to protect Hadrian and William.

Third Person's POV
William carried Hadrian into the gates of the royal palace in Diera, the amusement from the children and buziness of the villagers caused him to smile confirming the hope he still had. He looked over to the fountain in the palace compound and saw people praying for something, something he guessed was the return of their Prince. He pulled an unconscious Hadrian back up as he increased his pace to the steps leading into the palace.

The guards who stood by the door moves slowly toward the two, their hands staying firmly on the handle of their sword.

"Who are you?" They asked, command in their tone.

"Please, I mean no harm, I bring the prince Hadrian" William confessed as he placed the prince on the ground gently. The guards faces relaxed when they recognized the unconscious man. They rushed immediately to carry him as the head of the guards, Louise approached them.

"What is going on here?" He began but seeing the Prince caused him to ignore whatever answer he might get "Hadrian" he whispered looking back up at the guards waiting for an explanation.

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