Chapter Twenty

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  Third persons POV

The door to Hadrian's room flung open and he walks in with Eleanor and Fredrick trailing behind him.

"What was the meaning of that?" Eleanor begins with what seemed like tears bubbling in her eyes.

"I had to do it, you won't understand" Hadrian simply says and sits on his bed sighing heavily.

"Understand what? that you were just been irresponsible and selfish" she snapped.

"Eleanor you won't understand," Fredrick says supportinHadrian.

"You are supporting him?" She turns to face her betrothed.

"That's because I understand him, think about it, what will people say when he admits to have been making out with a slave in the woods, he had to protect his reputation," Fred says.

Eleanor's eyes darted, she couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth" And what about Irene's reputation?" she begins to cry. Eleanor is just getting familiarized with Irene but she has a liking for Irene since she is also Hadrian rõsë.

  "I'm sorry Eleanor" Hadrian simply say.

  "This girl will be dead in a matter of fewer than 48 hours!" she snapped.

  "Enough Eleanor!, I said I'm sorry" with this, Eleanor's eyes flashed with tears as she nods and left the room.

"Let her cool off first" Frederick is stopped by Hadrian's voice.

"What are we going to do now?" Fred asks.

"I don't know".

Eleanor made her way to the dungeons where Irene was kept, a guard opens the door and she walks in slowly seeing the helpless and frustrated Irene on the floor. Irene's head bent down with her hair ever so messy clouding her face.

" Irene?"Eleanor calls out sitting on the floor close to Irene.

"Just go" Irene cried.

"I won't leave you and you won't die," she says with so much enthusiasm.

"You heard the king and you surely heard Hadrian. I feel like such a fool" Irene clenched her fists and Eleanor without hesitation took her hands in Irene's trying to console her not knowing when she also began to cry.

"You will not die, I promise" Eleanor assures her, Irene wrapped her hands around her and cried profusely at her chest.

Irene felt so betrayed and Eleanor was just disappointed.

"But was it all a joke to Hadrian, "Irene thought to herself.

The next day came fast and the countdown to Irene's execution continued. Eleanor sat in her room brushing her silky curly short blonde hair. She stood by the window looking down at the carpenters who were constructing the hanging pole, she didn't even notice when Frederick walked in, he stared at her looking at how beautiful she had dressed. Eleanor isn't the type to wear gowns, she is always seen in trousers and she is that knight princess trained by Hadrian. Frederick and Eleanor's love story was something to tell about.

They first met in the fields where Hadrian trained Eleanor, Frederick heard he was there and chose to visit him, and there he met Eleanor at first they hated each other because Frederick will always bug Eleanor during her training time but the hate turned into love the time Eleanor spoke up to Fred. Then slowly from friends to their first kiss to lovers and then, he proposed and they got engaged.

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