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It all started in detention.

Suga finds himself slumped over a desk in an almost empty classroom. He refuses to look up, focusing solely on the math homework he got a few hours ago. A few hours before his perfect record was destroyed.

"You're going to hurt yourself if you keep staring daggers at that piece of paper." A voice sounds in the room, breaking the silence. Suga looks up and over to his right, glare still present as his eyes land on the only other student in the room.

Sawamura Daichi.

The classic delinquent who, in Suga's opinion, officially ruined his life. He has a stupid smirk present on his face as he sits on top of a desk, doodling something in a notebook. Maybe it was a sketchbook. Suga doesn't care either way, he's still pissed off. "Would it help if I apologized or would you like to continue giving yourself a headache." Suga's glare doesn't let up, if anything it grows colder.

"Fuck off." He mutters and turns back down to his homework. The teacher who is supervising doesn't say anything about them talking. It's really annoying how little she cares. And how well she knows Sawamura. The jerk is in there almost every day so it's not surprising but still.

He hears the boy chuckle and some movement before a shadow falls in front of him, taking a seat in the chair in front of him, facing Suga as he leans forward on the backrest. "What, is Mr. Class president still hurt that his record now has a little smudge." He mocks, getting Suga to look up again, being met with his annoying smirk.

"I thought I told you to fuck off." Suga grits out, trying to refrain from snapping his pencil in half.

"And I thought you knew that people don't get to tell me what to do." Suga rolls his eyes, annoyed at the cliche response, and turns back down to his work. He, unfortunately, doesn't get a chance to continue as Sawamura steals his pencil, testing the boy's patience even more. "Never thought the teacher's pet would be so moody and have such a foul mouth." Suga just glares, unimpressed.

"Do you have a death wish?"

"Yes." He teasingly twirls the pencil between his fingers, clearly pleased with the encounter. "You know, I think you're the only person I know who would actually do homework in detention."

"Will you leave me alone already? In case you couldn't tell I don't like you." Suga snatches his pencil back, ignoring the boy's chuckle.

"Awww don't be like that. I said I was sorry."

"No, you actually didn't. You asked if you should apologize which means you aren't sorry and clearly don't give two fucks about who you drag down with your dumb ass pranks." He folds his hands politely on his desk, staring Sawamura harshly in the eyes. "You think you're so cool and above everyone else but you aren't. You fool around all day, skip class, and do god knows what honestly, what are you even doing at a school like this? You don't belong here and everyone knows it" Suga speaks with as much venom on his tongue as he can, wishing Sawamura's annoying smirk away.

He sadly doesn't get the reaction he was aiming for. In fact, Sawamura actually laughs. Leaning his head back, voice loud, like what he said was the funniest thing he's heard in a while. "Wow, now that I never expected from you of all people." He sighs as he catches his breath. "You really need to loosen up Sugawara. You're such a stick in the mud." The way he says his name makes Suga shiver. He can't tell if it's in a good or bad way. Satisfied with Suga's annoyed expression he stands up and walks back over to his desk, picking his sketchbook up and continuing with whatever was doing.

The rest of the dreadful hour goes by slowly, Suga focusing on his homework, trying to forget Sawamura is even there. And trying not to replay the way he said his name. Even though Sawamura wasn't actively interacting with him anymore the hour was still hell. Suga doesn't belong here. He knows it. Sawamura knows it. Hell, even the teacher knows it.

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