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After school that day, Akaashi and Oikawa find themselves heading home. They live two houses down from each other so more often than not, they walked home together. Akaashi can't decide if that was a good thing.

Currently, they are chatting about Suga and Sawamura since he didn't tell anyone what happened when they went to talk alone.

"Seriously I think they totally made out."

"Ugh, Kawa there's no way in hell he made out with Sawamura. We would have been able to tell." Oikawa pouts.

"Not true, I've made out with tones of people and you guys had no idea!" Akaashi eyes him.

"Kawa we knew. We just didn't say anything. Out of all of us, you are the least subtle." Oikawa whines obnoxiously which Akaashi rolls his eyes too. As they walk down the sidewalk Akaashi notices someone standing ahead, leaning against the wall of the house he is in front of. He looks very familiar but Akaashi can't quite place him.

As they get closer it becomes clear the boy is a teenager and looks to be around their age. Well, Akaashi isn't actually sure about that considering he's smoking but either way it is surprising he's never seen this man before on their street. Akaashi continues to try and place this man since he truly looks familiar and it's then that Oikawa stops, eyes wide in shock.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" He yells, drawing the attention of the man who smirks the second he sees him.

"I live here dumbass." He deadpans, pointing to his family plate that's next to the gate. Iwaizumi. Akaashi is also a little surprised. He's heard a little from Suga about their relationship so this is definitely going to be entertaining. "What are you doing here." He brings the cigarette back to his lips while Oikawa looks like he wants to kill someone or himself. The sight makes Akaashi snicker quietly.

"We both live about a block away," Akaashi chooses to answer, getting a glare from Oikawa instantly as they slowly walk closer to the boy. They walk through some of the smoke which makes Akaashi cough and grimace. Oikawa on the other hand doesn't even flinch, not bothered by it which is a little surprising.

"Didn't realize we lived this close Shittykawa." Akashi snorts at the nickname, standing off to the side to watch while Oikawa stands directly in front of the boy, looking extremely annoyed.

"Ugh, just my luck you, of all people live here." Oikawa rolls his eyes with a sigh, Iwaizumi simply smirking at him.

"Don't pretend you aren't a little happy you have a hot neighbor." Oikawa scoffs.

"Ahh yes. Nothing says hot like a 17-year-old who smokes." Iwaizumi smirks, inhaling more smoke before puffing it out towards Oikawa who's far enough away that it doesn't really reach him.

"I'm 18 bitch. It's technically legal."

"Doesn't mean it's good for you." Oikawa crosses his arms.

"Aww, are you worried about me, princess?" He pushes himself from the wall and walks closer to Oikawa.

"Fat chance. Die for all I care." Iwaizumi chuckles, coming almost nose to nose with Oikawa.

"You're full of shit." Their voices keep lowering in volume, now almost a whisper. Honestly, its hard to decide if they will end up making out or fighting. Either way will be...interesting to say the least.

"You're an asshole."

"Yeah but a hot asshole. You never denied I was hot." Oikawa glares.

"The only thing hot about you is the tip of your fucking cigarette."

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