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Akaashi takes a deep breath, looking at himself in his bathroom mirror.

He's an idiot.

He doesn't know why he did it. Why he agreed to hang out with fucking Bokuto of all people. He doesn't get it. But no matter how loudly his brain screamed at him that this was a terrible idea, he couldn't say no. Didn't say no.

Now it's Saturday and he's about to leave for Bokuto-san's house.

And here he was, looking in the mirror, actually worried about the way he looked. He's never been worried about stuff like that. He never cared.

So why the fuck does he care now?

Ever since he first ran into this man nothing has made sense. Nothing explains why he acts different, why he feels...different, around him. He didn't get it and didn't like it.

Except he did.

He liked being around him, liked when he called him beautiful, liked that he wanted to talk to him. That he always seemed so excited, when he saw him. He

He groans in annoyance, leaning against his sink and staring at the silver drain.

He's going crazy...

He sighs, takes another deep breath, and pulls himself away from the mirror, not giving it another glance. He doesn't care.

Before he can overthink more he grabs his phone, keys, and wallet and heads downstairs where he finds his dad, having some coffee at the table.

"You going out?" He asks softly as he watches Akaashi slip on his shoes.

"Yeah, I'll only be gone a couple hours." His dad smiles.

"Alright well, I hope you boys have fun." He says which gets Akaashi to stop before he goes out the front door. A part of him thinks he should correct his dad and tell him about Bokuto. But the other part...

"We will, bye dad," He quickly slips outside and walks to his car.

Why is he so set on lying about Bokuto?

He sighs once he's in his car. What the hell is he doing...

Even though his thoughts are against him, spinning and contradicting everything, he turns on the car and starts driving to the man's house.

He's going to Bokuto Kōtarō's house.

What the fuck is he thinking...

He's surprised when he reaches the house in only 5 minutes. He figured it'd be farther away. He pulls up and holy shit this house

He knows Bokuto is rich. Hell, Akaashi himself is even rich. But he didn't think Bokuto would be this rich.

He slowly gets out of his car and walks up the path to the house. There are a few other houses around but it's very spread out, houses separated by trees and greenery.

At the door, he gulps and takes a deep breath.

He's really doing this...

He rings the doorbell and waits patiently, hands folded behind him and fiddling anxiously. Then the door swings open and, "Agaashi! Hi!'' Suddenly he felt fine. Calm. The boy grinned at him before stepping aside and inviting him inside.

"Thank you for having me." He says politely, glancing around the house a little in awe. Not only was his house big but it was really nice too. Everything was clean and neat and clearly high quality.

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