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It's the end of the school day and everyone is gathered outside, waiting for Kenma. They all planned to hang out after school so they were simply waiting for Kenma to finish talking to his teacher. This was the perfect time for everyone to pester Atsumu over what he and his brother talked about earlier. Suna already headed home, not really in the mood to hang out with people so they could more or less talk about the topic freely.

"I told ya, it ain't that interestin'."

"Well, then it should be no problem to tell us." Oikawa counters. Akaashi simply sighs, sending Suga a worried glance. He's taken note of how quiet and nervous he's been this afternoon. He was generally fine at lunch but during their breaks he has seemed to be more on edge. Always checking his phone and shifting his weight from foot to foot, which is what he's doing right now while worrying his bottom lip.

"Fine fine. Look, the gist of the whole thin' is I made it clear that not only is Suna mad but he's also hurtin' and Osamu needs ta take a step back 'n give him space ta decide what he wants ta do about the situation."

"It's always so shocking when you give good advice." Akaashi shoots at him, receiving a glare and a small giggle from Suga. Akaashi takes this moment to send Suga a worried and questioning look. Suga sends him a reassuring smile back, though it looks a little forced. Akaashi doesn't mention it.

"Yer so mean Keiji." Atsumu pouts which Akaashi smirks too before they all finally see Kenma heading out of the building. He has his head down so he doesn't see the other person walking into the building until he bumps into him. The group all watch, wincing a little in sympathy since the other guy is a lot bigger than Kenma. Everyone watches as Kenma turns to apologize when he suddenly freezes. His eyes are wide with shock, same with the man, neither of them clearly expecting to see each other.

"Hey, isn't that Kuroo? From ya'lls class?" Atsumu asks quietly and everyone sees Suga and Oikawa nod, all now feeling a little worried.

They both stand there awkwardly for a moment before Kuroo goes to speak. The group can't hear what he says but it dosent really matter since the second Kuroo starts to talk Kenma turns and brushes past him, quickly walking over to everyone. Kuroo appears to look dejected as he watches Kenma walk away, only turning away when he sees the group's protective glares.

"Kenma? What was that all about?" Atsumu asks when he reaches them, looking a little shaken up.

"Yeah, you guys looked like you wanted to say something to each other. I'm confused though, do you know Kuroo? We've never seen you two talk before...or even like interact." Oikawa asks while Kenma hugs himself a little, taking a deep breath before straightening up and meeting their worried gazes.

"No, I just know of him from you and Suga. We've never talked before." That seems to be enough for everyone as the conversation switches back to the whole Suna and Osamu fight much to Kenma's relief, them all heading down to their hang-out spot. As they walk, Akaashi falls to the back with Suga to check in since his reassuring smile earlier wasn't reassuring at all.

"Hey," He nudges Suga, drawing him out of a daze. He turns to Akaashi, wearing a curious and weak smile. "Are you okay? You've been off and out of it all afternoon."

"Ahh yeah sorry. I'm just a little stressed I guess." Akaashi tilts his head, putting a little more space between them and the group. "My dads been on a business trip the past month and he comes home today. You know how strict he is and since my mom already filled him in on my little detention excretion I'm in for an ear full when he gets home." Akaashi sighs and nods knowingly.

"What do you think he'll do?" Suga has shared a little with the group about his home life though none of them have ever met his parents. Suga kind of had to share a little since no matter what his father's punishment is, Suga's phone is always confiscated. Akaashi feels bad for him though since this time Suga truly did nothing wrong. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It All Started In DetentionWhere stories live. Discover now