Thirty Two

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Suga barely slept last night.

He knows it's because of fucking Oikawa. Him not giving a shit about his health and then yelling a Suga for giving a damn. It pissed him off but he was mainly just worried. And hurt of course since his best friend of like 5 years trusts some random guy he hates over him.

Not only is Oikawa his best friend, he's also the guy he lost his virginity to. He trusts him with his everything but clearly, Oikawa doesn't feel the same.

Suga groans and lets his head rest on his desk. Oikawa wasn't there yet, Suga started coming to school with Suna since Akaashi always took Oikawa. And he really didn't want to be stuck in a car with his ass.

So now, he was just anxiously waiting for the boy to walk through the door. He's still not going to talk to him. Why should he? Oikawa is being a bitch. And it's driving Suga crazy. It doesn't keep Suga from worrying though.

Finally, just as Suga turns his head so he can see the door, Oikawa appears, also looking absolutely exhausted. He freezes though when his and Suga's eyes meet, standing in the doorway as if he's contemplating something. Suga sits up, giving him a confused look only for Oikawa to turn and walk out of the room.

Suga is on his feet instantly, following the boy to see where the fuck he could possibly be going. Class starts in like 5 minutes so what in the world is he doing?

"Oikawa!" He yells but Oikawa doesn't stop walking down the hallway. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"I don't want to be around your toxic energy!" He calls back, still not turning around. Suga clenches his fists.

"So what? You're just going to ditch?"


"Tōru come on." That finally gets Oikawa to stop turning around, looking pissed once again. For no fucking reason. Suga stops walking too so there is distance between them.

"No, fuck you Suga. I'm tired of this and you and would rather just not be around you." Suga scoffs, ignoring the ache in his chest at Oikawa's words.

"Why are you getting so mad at me?! You're the one who started this whole thing!"

"Just leave me alone!" He turns around and begins walking again.

"You can't ditch class!" Oikawa turns around but doesn't stop walking.

"Fucking watch me bitch!"

"Tōru!" But Oikawa doesn't listen, just keeps going until he goes through the door to the stairwell, vanishing from Suga's view. Suga sighs in defeat, trying to focus on the anger he's feeling rather than the pain. Anger is easier to deal with, especially at school. He doesn't need to go breaking down again. Once is already too many times.

He looks at the door for a second before slowly turning around and heading back to class, unsure of what to do.

He walks back into the room, taking note of Iwaizumi, sitting and scrolling on his phone. He hates the thought that just entered his mind as he slowly walks by. Hates that it's even a possible solution. He hates this so fucking much.

Oikawa can't fucking miss class over a stupid fight.

So Suga sighs, swallowing down basically every single thing he's feeling, and turns to face Iwaizumi before reaching his seat.

He hates this.

"Hey." He says it quietly but Iwaizumi instantly looks up. Which makes a lot of sense considering the only time Suga has talked to him was to curse him out. Something he thinks he should do more often. He ignores that for now. "Can you go force Oikawa to come to class? He's trying to ditch." Iwaizumi looks at him, surprised.

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