Twenty Five*

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Disclaimer: this chapter contains explicit sexual content. Please proceed with caution and skip if you are uncomfortable with the topic. If you want to skip, all information needed is in the note at the end.


Oikawa felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest as he stood on the porch, willing himself to just knock on the fucking door. A simple task that was driving Oikawa crazy.

He hasn't really spoken to Iwaizumi since last weekend. Sure they talked in class. Worked together in class. Maybe flirted—Oikawa honestly doesn't even know at this point.

His nerves are high which is no surprise considering what went down last time he was in this house. This will be the first time they've been alone since...

He internally groans. Iwaizumi didn't even give a reason as to why he wanted to meet at his house again. Just texted: My house. 1:30. Oikawa didn't really see a reason to work at his house again so part of his brain really wonders what Iwaizumi's intentions are with this.

Last time was a mistake.

A really fucking good mistake but still a mistake that will not happen again.

Oikawa gulps and finally knocks on the door.

Not again.

The door swings open after a second, revealing Iwaizumi who looks a little annoyed as he holds a cigarette between his lips.

"You're late." Oikawa glares. It's 1:33. He then looks Iwaizumi up and down. Maybe on purpose. Maybe not. He doesn't know at this point. Iwaizumi is hot. No one can deny that, no matter how much he hates him.

"Glad to see you're wearing a shirt this time," Oikawa says, ignoring his brain and stepping through the threshold. Iwaizumi steps aside and closes the door behind Oikawa, smirking at him and moving the cig from his lips to dangle loosely in his fingers.

"I know you prefer me without one." Oikawa glares and blushes slightly, but enough where it's noticeable as Iwaizumi chuckles lightly.

He should have expected this.

"Like you're any better." Oikawa mumbles but Iwaizumi just keeps his smirk, looking Oikawa up and down before stepping away. They don't say anything else as Oikawa takes off his shoes and follows Iwaizumi upstairs to his room, which is as bare as ever. A fact that still puzzles Oikawa but he doesn't care enough to ask.

He also just has a feeling he doesn't want to know the answer.

Once Iwaizumi has closed the door behind them, Oikawa feels his heartbeat quicken a little.

No. We're not doing this.

He watches Iwaizumi walk across the room towards his school stuff which is on his desk. As he walks over he blows out a long puff of smoke, making Oikawa scrunch his nose in annoyance.

"You shouldn't smoke," Oikawa says instead of focusing on the muscles clearly visible against Iwaizumi's tight shirt. He gulps, trying to forget how it felt holding onto him...

"Why? Bothering you princess?" Iwaizumi turns around with a smirk and Oikawa lets his bag fall to the floor by Iwaizumi's bed, rolling his eyes in the process.

"It's a distraction and we really need to focus. We are running behind." Oikawa crosses his arms and looks at Iwaizumi expectantly. He's not letting him get the upper hand. He's not letting this escalate like last time. He's not.

"And whose fault is that." He says slyly, taking another drag while Oikawa narrows his eyes and attempts not to blush. He can't think about it. He can't.

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