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Disclaimer: this chapter deals with slight internalized homophobia. I don't know what triggers people, everyone is different so I'll put warning before certain chapters


"Alright Atsumu. Your texts from last night..." Atsumu perks up from their lunch table as Akaashi sits down with Kenma, them being the last two to arrive.

"Oh ya. I got somethin' ta add ta that." He says with a smirk, drawings the group's attention.

"Please let it be you deciding he's not hot since you've literally only seen his eyes." Atsumu pouts and throws an apple at Suga in retaliation, who unfortunately catches it and then eats it obnoxiously. He rolls his eyes.

"First off, eyes can say a lot about a person so fuck off. Second, no 's actually I know he's hot since I have in fact seen his full face now." The group sighs but gives him their attention more or less.

"Do explain."

"m'kay so basically he stayed really late for god knows why, he may have even stayed the night since I went to bed before he left but anyway, last night while I was in the kitchen he actually came down. He was gettin' a drink meanin' he pulled down his mask and holy shit this guy is hot as fuck. And like the way he looked at me was terrifying and like so sexy I literally died a little. And like I know he's a dick but he's extremely attractive." Akaashi chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Hot asshole? Yup sounds like a guy you would fall for." Suga says with a chuckle.

"I bet he hasn't even said a word to you yet, right?" Atsumu clicks his tongue and pouts, making Oikawa smirk.

"Go figures," Akaashi mutters, drawing the entire group's attention to him. Great...

"Welp, Akaashi, your turn." The boy sighs and glares but the group still waits patiently, making Akaashi sigh in defeat.

"Ugh, you guys are literally making this into a big deal when it's not."

"If it's not a big deal then it should be no problem to tell us." Suga points out making Akaashi glare. He then sighs again. It's not a big deal. Right? He can tell them the truth. Right? It's not that hard. So why...

"I just ran into him in the hall during a break. He stopped me and thanked me for something I helped him with." The group looks at him suspiciously. "Seriously, that's it. So see, no big deal."

"What did ya help him with?" Akaashi slowly glances at Atsumu. He didn't think this far.

"He just lost something so I um I helped him find it. That's all." The group exchanges glances which make Akaashi groan. God, he wishes they'd just let this go already. "Seriously guys I mean come on. Do you really see me getting involved with a guy like that?" Suga sighs.

"I guess you do make a point."

"See. You know me better than that so don't worry." Suga eyes him for a second before relaxing and letting it go.

"Fine, fine. But if he bothers you again just let us know."

"I will, don't worry." Suga shrugs and leaves it there, glancing at Oikawa who was on his phone. "Kawa do you need some food? I'd be happy to share." The brunette looks up and smiles.

"Nah I'm fine. I'm not that hungry, I actually happened to eat breakfast this morning."

"Wow, shockin'."

"Oh fuck off breakfast is a dumb meal." Suga chuckles and glances back at Akaashi skeptically who simply matches his look.

Just let it go...please let it go...

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