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Disclaimer: this chapter contains triggering topics of eating disorders specifically anorexia, mentions of drug abuse, rape and minor sexual content. Please proceed with caution.


Oikawa takes a deep breath, in and out, slowly. Hesitantly.

He really really doesn't want to be here. Then again that's been his mindset the other two times he's been here, standing on the boy's doorstep, willing himself to knock on the wood standing tall in front of him. This time though he really really doesn't want to be here.

Mainly because he doesn't really know what is going to happen. They did actually need to work, that's the main reason Oikawa is here. They really only had one more week and considering they kept getting...distracted...with their weekend meetups they were kind of behind.

So he was here to work.

Something he told himself every time and something that always seemed to be disregarded. No matter how hard Oikawa tried to stay on task. He really did try...he sorta tried.

This time though, he was going to stay on task. Because this time, the other option was the last fucking thing Oikawa wanted to do. He doesn't want to do it at all; talk about it. Doesnt want to with anyone least of all Iwaizumi fucking Hajime.

He's learned though by now things don't usually go his way when he comes here.

Which is precisely why he still has yet to knock on the door. Can't seem to find it in him to make that final step. Part of him is wanting to just turn around and leave. He could. Easily. He lives close, sadly. The other part of him, the part that cares about his grades, is telling him to suck it up. They need to work. Need to make progress on the project.

The project.

Oikawa takes another deep breath.

Just knock. It's so simple just knock on the fucking door.

The mental battle going on in Oikawa's head clearly has been going on for far too long as before Oikawa can get past his mental block and knock on the door, the door swings open, effectively taking the choice away from Oikawa.

No going back now.

Iwaizumi looks at Oikawa, eyebrows raised and annoyance written all over his face. An expression Oikawa is very used to at this point. "Are you planning on just fucking standing there all day?" Oikawa crosses his arms, glaring a little.

"If I say yes will you leave me alone?" Iwaizumi rolls his eyes at that, not gracing Oikawa with a response. Just walks away, leaving the door ajar for Oikawa to come in. Which he does, hesitantly, still debating just making a run for it.

But he does walk inside, shutting the door behind him and slipping off his shoes while Iwaizumi is doing...something, in the kitchen. Oikawa doesn't move from the entrance, just watches him for a second, seeing him dig through a cabinet before pulling out a bottle of liquor. Looks like tequila but Oikawa can't fully tell. Either way, the act makes Oikawa glare, unimpressed.

"Really?" Iwaizumi looks over at him, slightly amused.

"I bet you ¥1500 you'll be chugging this by the end of the day." Oikawa has no real response to that so he just keeps his mouth shut, following as Iwaizumi leads him upstairs and into his room.

Iwaizumi kicks the door shut and heads over to the end of his bed where, like usual, his schoolwork is laid out on the carpeted floor. Oikawa glances around the room where nothing has changed except the fact there are a couple beer cans around and a half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray by the bed.

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