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"Ugh kill me, kill me now I can't do it," Oikawa complains dramatically, head falling onto the lunch table. Suga laughs a little and rubs his back.

"'s been one day, how bad could it have been?" Oikawa looks up and glares at Atsumu.

"Hmm well let's see," He straightens up so Suga pulls his hand back and focuses on eating. "We made no progress or plan really. He was super unhelpful and kept taking smoke breaks which was driving me fucking insane I swear we're going to fail this project thanks to him!"

"Jeez, okay calm down Kawa. It's been one day I'm sure it will get better and he'll start to take things more seriously." Suga states getting another pout from him but he does actually calm down which is good.

"What about you Suga? How are you doing." He sighs in response.

"Well today is our first meeting so I'm basically just dreading the end of the day." Which is true. Suga really doesn't see any of this going well.

"Aww I'm sorry. I really don't think it will be that bad."

"Yeah, at least he's not mean to you," Oikawa mutters so Suga gives him a sympathetic smile. "Oh right, Kaashi I almost forgot to tell you but I can't walk home with you." Akaashi tears his gaze from Kenmas game over to Oikawa.

"Huh, how come?" He says a little disappointed, which is a little surprising since Akaashi always seems annoyed or complains about his walks with Oikawa. It's mainly a joke but still...

"Iwa-chan and I are headed to a cafe after school to work on the project." Kenma snorts and joins the conversation.

"Why a cafe?" He asks, glancing up at Oikawa who is tapping his fingers on the table.

"Well my parents are hosting some dumb gathering or whatever and he for some reason refuses to go to his so we settled for a cafe..."

"Honestly, do you even want to see what his house is like?" Oikawa laughs a little.

"Okay, I guess you're right about that. Still sorry about that, Keiji." Akaashi snaps out of his daze, looking over and giving Oikawa a small smile, ignoring Suga's concerned look.

"It's fine Tōru I don't really care anyway." Suga frowns, noting how Akaashi just blatantly lied. Akaashi has his hands on the table, anxiously picking at the skin around his fingers, a nervous tick he has when his anxiety is high and when he's lying. No one but Suga notices so he stays quiet, letting the conversation flow into about how the second year's classes.

Akaashi shrinks in on himself, spacing out and still picking at his skin.

He is anxious.




Akaashi is upset and not at anything outside. He is upset with himself. He knows why but he still hates the fact that he's super anxious about walking home alone. It's not his fault, but it still sucks.

He knows he could have asked Kenma or Atsumu to walk with him but that would make him feel so pathetic. He really should just start driving to school everyday, not just when he's late. Would make this easier.

Instead of feeling pathetic and shitty about himself, he chooses to not ask for help and just walk home, ignoring and forcing his anxiety down.

It's an easy task. It shouldn't be this hard.

He tells himself that but somewhere along the line he ended up taking a shortcut which makes him feel a little better. Well, actually this isn't a shortcut at all. It is just a different way to go that actually takes him longer.

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