Thirty Five

616 21 13


Suga was pissed. That's the emotion he decided on for the morning. Anger. Because he wasn't hurt. Anger is all he felt. And disappointment in himself for being so stupid. For trusting someone like him. It was idiotic, so he decided to focus on the anger he felt. Mostly toward Daichi but also a little toward himself.

The only good thing coming from this was he wasn't focused on the fight with Oikawa. The bad thing, every second they got closer to school the more anger he began to feel. The faster the annoyed tapping of his foot on the floor of Suna's car got.

"Suga, you promised Akaashi you would try and stay calm," Atsumu says from the passenger seat. Suga doesn't move his eyes from the window as he watches the scenery fly by.

"I am calm." He responds as if he wasn't digging his nails into the palm of his hand, desperately trying to get his emotions under control. He wants to feel mad, but his friends are right. He doesn't want to cause a huge scene. Just wants to confront Daichi and curse him out. Well and also confirm it was in fact him who stole his money.

"Right, you seem so calm right now." Suga slowly looks over at Atsumu, giving him an unimpressed glare. Atsumu rolls his eyes but looks back forward. He knows better than to mess with Suga when he's mad. Suga looks back to the window.

"What are you even going to say to him?" Suna asks, not taking his eyes off the road besides a mere glance at Suga through the rearview mirror. Suga sighs.

"I don't know. Ask if he took it?"

"Calmly?" Suga glares at Atsumu again.

"We'll see. Depends on him." He looks back to the window.

"So no. Not calm." Suna comments and Suga doesn't respond, eyes glued to the building as they pull into the parking lot. The palms of his hands are starting to ache.

He has red angry crescent marks dug into his skin by the time they are walking up to the school, Suga trying to breathe and get his thoughts together. Hoping this really is all a misunderstanding.

He's a little surprised to see the rest of his friends, standing and waiting by the entrance. Usually in the morning they all just go to their classes and meet up at lunch. What's even more surprising though, Suga notices as they walk up, is Oikawa is there. He's standing a little off to the side, not saying anything, not even looking up as they approach. But he's here...

"What are you guys doing?" Suga asks and Akaashi sighs and nods his head to his right, drawing Suga's attention to the rows of shoe lockers. Lo and behold they are standing in front of the row that has Daichi, slowly changing his shoes.

Any sense of calm Suga had snaps.

"Suga, maybe breathe for a second." He doesn't hear Akaashi. Can only focus on one thing right now and that one thing has him storming over. He's mad, clenching his hands into fists again. Daichi doesn't see him coming until he's standing there, speaking.

"Tell me it isn't true." Daichi freezes and quickly looks over at him. Suga ran through a lot of ways this conversation could go. Ran through a lot of ways he could form his thoughts. Ways to tell Daichi off. But watching the way Daichi tenses. The way his eyes widen with shock and guilt and the way he gulps has everything just flying out the window.


"Tell me you didn't steal money from me yesterday." He doesn't let Daichi finish. Doesn't want to hear his bullshit 'What are you talking about.' Daichi sighs and looks away and Suga scoffs, ignoring the sting in his chest. "Are you fucking kidding me." Any kind of hope he had, any kind of feelings and worry he had for the boy shatters.

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