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Disclaimer: This chapter contains triggering topics of self-harm, including a descriptive scene of cutting. Please proceed with caution if you are sensitive around these topics and feel free to skip the cutting scene which starts with: He didn't realize he was moving until he was leaning over the sink of the bathroom and ends with: But when the door slowly creaked open. Even if you skip the scene with active cutting, understand that it is still actively talked about. Scars and fresh cuts are mentioned and/or described. The completely safe part of this story is the beginning up until Osamu leaves. If this topic is too triggering but you still want to know what happened, at the bottom is all the important information from this chapter.



The chatter from the cafeteria became muffled as Atsumu and Osamu made their way into the hallway, Atsumu leading them to a secluded spot, Osamu a few steps behind him. He didn't argue when his brother asked to talk. Usually, he would but he can tell whatever this is about, it's serious.

Atsumu finally came to a stop, them at a point where they can't even hear the muffled cafeteria noise anymore. The hallway is empty save for one teacher who slips into a classroom. Atsumu keeps his back to his brother, trying to gather his thoughts. He didn't have anything planned to say. Well, he had a lot to say actually, he just wanted to make sure he worded it correctly.

It's not like he's mad that his brother beat the living shit out of Hachirō. He's actually glad about that. But...

"What do ya want 'Tsumu?" Osamu finally broke the silence, annoyance seeping through his words. Atsumu turned around to face his brother, staring at him for a moment to decide how to start this conversation. Osamu could tell and waited patiently for him to get on with whatever he had swarming in his head.

"Did you have anything' ta do with Hachirō's... state?" He finally asked, a question Osamu seemed to have been expecting as he simply sighs a little in defeat, an answer in itself but Atsumu wants to hear it anyway.

"Yeah, we did." Atsumu frowns a little so Osamu quickly elaborates, "Look 'm sorry, ok? I know I promised not ta jus' step in and solve your problems, and for the record, I didn't know who we were dealing with until I got there. But I don't regret this and I wish you had actually told me their names back then so I could have done this sooner." Atsumu sighs and crosses his arms, giving his brother an annoyed look tinted with anger.

"I don't need ya protectin' us, ok? We were handlin' it and we were fine. We've been handlin' it on our own perfectly fine." Osamu frowns.

"You were anythin' but fine Atsu." His brother's voice was softer than Atsumu expected, easing the tension in his shoulders but adding to a dreadful heat under his skin and pit in his stomach. "I have never seen ya like ya were when Kenma called." Atsumu frowns and looks down, a sharp ache beating in his heart now.

"I had it under control." He protests weakly and Osamu glares.

"Under control?" The anger in his voice gets Atsumu to look up again, arms falling to his side and fists clenching. "Under control? Atsumu, you collapsed in my arms and wouldn't stop blamin' and hatin' yerself for not goin' out that night." Atsumu looks away again, fighting the memory off as Osamu steps closer. "It was honestly really fuckin' scary ta see ya like that so I'm sorry if I felt protective after seein' ya like that, after seein' how broken you all looked after that, for months."


"You shoulda told me." Atsumu sighs and tilts his head back. He knows his brother is right. Knows this was too big to handle alone. Not just for him.

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