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Atsumu sighs, sun beating down from above as he walks on the path to his house, locking the car behind him, this being one of the very few times his brother didn't take the car after school. Which makes sense considering what happened at lunch.

He pushes open the front door, seeing his mom seated at the kitchen table, cup of tea, and a pile of mail in front of her.

"Hey Ma," he greets, kicking off his shoes before walking over, giving her a small kiss on the cheek as she smiles tiredly at him.

"Hi honey, how was your day?" She asks lightly, Atsumu dropping his bag in the chair next to her, heading into the kitchen and to the fridge.

"It was okay, not very eventful. Gotta 90 on my last test though." He says dryly, looking through the fridge before pulling out a soda and kicking the door closed.

"That's wonderful. I'm proud of you." Atsumu gives her a quick smile, now looking in the cabinet. "Don't spoil your appetite, I was hoping we could order from that new restaurant down the street." Atsumu gives a small pout but closes the door.

"Sounds good, 'Samu home yet?" He already knows the answer, but it's better to ask and pretend to know nothing.

"No not yet, I was hoping you had seen him. I haven't heard from him and he said he would be home tonight since it's my night off." She sorts through some mail, dividing the junk and bills.

"'m sure he'll be here soon." He hopes at least. His mom smiles.

"Well let me know if you hear anything." Atsumu walks over and picks his bag up again.

"I will." He says lightly before heading upstairs. Once in his room he kicks his door shut and sighs, relaxing a little now that he's alone in his room. He carelessly drops his bag near his desk, walking over and placing the soda on the nightstand before falling dramatically onto his mattress.

He groans into the fabric for no particular reason, he's just tired and sick of all the drama going on. It's stressing him out. A lot.

He sighs and pushes himself up, forcing himself to change out of his uniform before settling against the headboard, grabbing his phone and headphones so he can watch some YouTube videos, praying it will take his mind off everything.

It does, thankfully, at least for a while. He just lay there peacefully, taking sips of his cold drink while watching people do dumb stuff on the internet. That peace, though, only lasts a little over half an hour. Soon, a sound from outside draws his attention, and his eyes widen. He's on his feet almost instantly, rushing over to his window that looks out the side of his house.

He watches, astonished, as a cop car starts to slow down and pull over at the side of their house. He doesn't want to jump to any conclusions, but he quickly makes his way over to his other window that looks out the back, just in time to see none other than his brother and one of his friends, running and quickly climbing up a hidden, makeshift latter Osamu created a couple of years ago for sneaking in and out of his window. Usually in.

The voice in his head is frantically telling him to ignore it. Go back to bed and focus on relaxing rather than getting involved in whatever the fuck his brother did that involves the cops. He knows he shouldn't indulge his curiosity but I mean, can you blame him?

So he quickly opens his door which faces Osamu's, his door also wide open giving Atsumu the full picture as Osamu and his friend frantically push themselves into Osamu's room, both breathing heavily as they collapse to the floor. Atsumu stands there and watches, very amused, but regretting opening his door because once Osamu's gaze lands on him, he knows he's getting involved.

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