Twenty Six

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Ever since the group projects started, Saturdays have become one of Atsumu's least favorite days.

He loves that there's no school but at least at school, he can see his friends. Saturdays used to be for hanging out as a group, going to the mall, a drive-thru or just chilling at Kenma's. Now though, it's about the school projects it seems everyone in school has.

So he's alone, in his room, attempting to do homework even though his brain is begging him to do anything else. It's not like all his friends are working on the project today, it's just ever since the projects started, it seems like everyone is busy either way.

Mainly Akaashi. He and Kenma don't work on Saturday because Kenma takes the day to catch up on sleep. Even so, Akaashi has had family stuff the past two Saturdays, which Atsumu gets but it is still annoying.

Then Suna is usually busy lately with his sister since his grandmother is sick, which again he gets.

Doesn't fix his boredom though.

And then there's his brother who, for the first time in a while, is actually at home on the weekend. But doesn't help Atsumu at all since he's not alone.

He's been in his room with the door shut for the past like hour and Atsumu knows for a fact if he actually had the energy to get up and walk over to his brother's door, he would smell the weed.

But he doesn't. So he sits in his own room, his own door shut while he's attempting to do homework. He feels like he should be productive since he literally has nothing else to do, but staring at the stupid numbers and letters floating around in his textbook is quickly killing any motivation he may have had.

After about half an hour of staring at his textbook and then at his notebook he officially gives up, popping open his computer and opening up the answers their teacher had posted to check their work. Or for Atsumu, to cheat off of.

Atsumu is smart enough to see the answer and actually figure out how you get to that, he just doesn't have the energy to actually do the work in the right order. As he's doing so though, he hears a door open and shut from across the hall, and then a knock on his own door.

Osamu doesn't actually wait for an answer, just knocks and then swings the door open, seeming annoyed. Atsumu looks up at him, confused, and lowers his pencil.

"What?" He asks and Osamu sighs, glaring at him for a moment and Atsumu truly has no idea what he did to piss off his brother.

"Ma's makin' me run ta the store, do ya wan' anythin'?" That makes Atsumu grin, seeing how much his brother is struggling asking him this is pleasing.

"Ya, can ya jus' grab me some of those little canned coffees?" Osamu rolls his eyes.

"Fine." Atsumu grins as Osamu goes to leave before stopping and peeking his head back through Atsumu's door. "Oh, and Sakusa's here, jus' by the way." Great... Atsumu thinks but doesn't say that. Just gives his brother a thumbs-up.

"Close my door on yer way out." Osamu narrows his eyes, flips him off and then quickly leaves. "'Samu!" He hears his footsteps descend the stairs and groans, staring at the open door on the other side of his room. He could get up but god he doesn't fucking want to. So he just sighs in defeat, looking back at his homework as he hears the front door open and close.

Atsumu does his best to ignore the voice in his head that keeps screaming that he is alone in his home and Sakusa is literally just across the hall. A fact he really doesn't want to focus on. He has other priorities, like his homework: which he forces himself to stare at instead of at his open door that's right across from Osamu's room. From Sakusa.

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