Twenty Eight

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Suga was...mad to say the least.

He promised not to kill Kuroo. Promising was easy but now he knows he's about to see the man in about 10 seconds and he doesn't know if he's going to be able to stop himself.

"Suga chill. You can't kill him." Suga glares at Oikawa who said those words seriously, but then he smirks. "There are too many witnesses." Suga laughs a little as they finally make it to their classroom.

All three boys are already there. Kuroo and Daichi are at their desks, Daichi behind Kuroo, and Iwaizumi is seated on top of the desk next to Daichi. They are chilling, talking about god knows what, and yeah...Suga is glad Oikawa reminded him about too many witnesses. Because seeing Kuroo, carefree and laughing with his friends makes him imagine 20 different ways to kill him and dispose of the body.

Oikawa knocks him since he stopped walking the second his eyes land on Kuroo and the two of them go to place their bags down. They don't sit though. Oikawa turns to him.

"Are you saying something or should I?" Suga smirks, glad they are on the same page, and takes the lead walking over to the three boys. He glances at the clock to see they have about 10 minutes before the teacher should arrive.


He's angry. He can feel it in his veins and knows it shows on his face based on the nervous looks he gets when Daichi and Iwaizumi look over. He doesn't pay them any mind. Just walks over, spinning around so he's facing Kuroo, and slams his hands down on the boy's desk, startling him. Oikawa stands by his side, arms crossed.

"Yup, I'm out. Good luck." He hears Iwaizumi say before he is hopping off the desk and walking away. Suga doesn't care but notices Oikawa watches the boy walk away.

He doesn't matter.

"Listen up, Kuroo." He says his name with malice and feels way too much pride when the boy gulps. "Boy, do I have some choice words for you."

"Suga..." Oikawa says cautiously, worried he'll take things too far. Suga turns to him.

"Hey. I'm able to say whatever the fuck I want as long as the teacher's not here. He didn't make me promise to keep my mouth shut. Only my hands to myself." Oikawa shrugs at that and lets him continue. Suga turns back to the boy, pissed.

"In case you couldn't tell already, Kenma told us what you did." Kuroo stiffens but doesn't dare look away from Suga. "So, I'm going to make something very fucking clear." He leans in closer. "So far you have ignored basically every single warning we have given to leave Kenma alone. And yes, I wasn't harsh enough because I really had no idea what was going on. But now..." Kuroo takes in a sharp breath, eyes wide. "Now I know and you are so fucking lucky that you're around tons of people right now and if you continue to ignore my warning and keep bothering Kenma, I will fucking kill you in the worst, most painful way imaginable."

"Suga—" Daichi goes to intervene but Suga looks up and shoots him a very harsh glare. Daichi snaps his mouth shut and gulps. If Suga wasn't so focused on the emotion of anger, he would definitely feel pretty good about getting Daichi to shut up with a single look.

He isn't focused on that though. He turns back to Kuroo.

"Do you understand? Because I am dead serious I will kill you and you should count yourself lucky Kenma requested I don't hurt you because I really really want to. But I can't...unless you decide to be the biggest idiot on the planet and ignore this one and final warning. I don't want you talking to him. I don't want you around him. I don't even want you looking at him, okay? Stay the hell away from him." Suga doesn't move, doesn't let up his glare, and keeps eye contact as he gives Kuroo a moment to process.

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