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By Thursday Suga is more or less back to his old cheery self. He still seems to flinch a little, occasionally, but besides that, he appears to be totally fine. It still bothers Akaashi. He's always been so good at reading people, especially his friends, yet he can't come up with any theories about what's going on. It honestly scares him a little.

"Have ya gotten any more drawin's Suga?"

It's lunch now, thank god, so the group is at their usual table, joined by Suna again. He's eating with them almost every day though of course there are some days he doesn't show. Atsumu claims he's in the library but they actually haven't checked to see if that's true.

"Yeah one sec," He starts digging through his bag while Akaashi glances at Oikawa, noticing how he seems to only have a bar for lunch today.

"Is that going to be enough for you Tōru? I'd be happy to share if you're still hungry." He smiles and shakes his head.

"Nah I'm just not that hungry today. I had a big breakfast this morning since my sister and nephew are staying with us." Akaashi shrugs as Suga puts three new drawings on the table.

"What are these?" Suna asks, picking one up slowly. Kenma starts to explain while Akaashi picks one up. It's a drawing of Suga studying outside during lunch yesterday. He looks up when Kenma stops talking to read Suna's expression. To everyone's surprise, he doesn't look that fazed. He just hums thoughtfully, looking through the older drawings Suga got out for him.

"Do you by any chance know anything? I mean you used to be involved in that group's world and you don't seem that surprised..." Oikawa asks what seems to be on everyone's mind.

Suna looks at them hesitantly, biting his lip which is a tell that he does know something. Why he doesn't want to tell them is a little worrying. "Umm, I'll tell you guys later." They all give him a suspicious look but move on.

"Oh right," Suga draws their attention back, holding one of the papers. "So, he uhh actually wrote me a note on this one." All their eyes widen as Oikawa takes the paper and turns it over.

After he reads the note he gives Suga a knowing look while handing the picture to Akaashi. Suga glares, "don't give that look Kawa he's not gay." Oikawa shrugs and Akaashi snorts after reading the note.

"Well, he's definitely not straight either." He hands it to Atsumu and takes a few more bites of his bento.

"That whole group makes no sense."

"They also aren't here," Kenma mutters quietly, getting them to all look at their usual table which is occupied by a couple of first years.

The conversation flows into what they could possibly be doing but Akaashi mostly tunes it out. He's curious but when Kenma mentioned the group for some reason he couldn't help but think back to his interaction with Bokuto on Monday. It's only for a second as the bell rings for them to start heading back to class.

It's then that it clicks for him that he hasn't said anything about the encounter. All he told Kenma was he ran into Kuroo and then handed him the note. He never even mentioned the fact that he originally ran into Bokuto, not Kuroo. He doesn't know why he's keeping it a secret. It's not like he has anything to hide, right?




Suga is not happy to be back in class. Mainly because it's now English which he doesn't really enjoy in general and of course, there's Sawamura who has continued to annoy him the past few days. It's also getting harder to ignore for some reason.

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