Thirty One

608 18 24


He couldn't focus.

He was at his desk, the sun had long set and the words in his textbook were unfocused. His eyelids felt heavy and his body just felt exhausted.

Sure his lack of sleep was definitely part of the reason he felt so drained and unfocused, but there was another reason too.

It's not the first time Oikawa and Suga have fought. Out of everyone in the group, most fights happen between them. They are never too serious though. Usually only last maybe a couple hours at most. Usually, they can be solved right there and then, all the group really has to do is get them to stop yelling at each other, breathe, and think alone for a second, and then they both come back together and make up. It's always been easy like that. Sure fighting is never fun but still, Akaashi always felt so confident that when the group did fight, it would be easy to fix.

This wasn't like that. This one was bad. Really bad.

And the worst part is, Akaashi had absolutely no idea what they were even fighting about. He assumed it had to do with what happened at lunch. That event left everyone tense and anxious, especially Suga. He's always just been like that. Been the one to worry the most about everyone and do whatever he possibly could to protect them. So the fact that Iwaizumi somehow seemed to be involved, definitely was adding to the tension and anxiety.

Still, though, Oikawa and Suga haven't said anything. Suga asked Suna to take him home instead, they didn't even look at each other, and when Akaashi asked Oikawa he quickly brushed him off. It was very obvious the two were pissed at each other.

Akaashi just had no idea why.

He groans, head falling into his hands, elbow propped up on the desk. He's basically given up on his homework, brain far too overwhelmed to actually process school related stuff.

He was so fucking tired.

His eyes close unconsciously, his body desperately trying to put him to sleep as he just holds his head in his hands.

The phone next to him buzzes suddenly, making Akaashi's heart jump and body instantly straightens up. He looks at his phone to see the screen light up and relaxes as he sees a couple more messages from the same person come through.

He sighs, looking at his textbook, then at his phone, back to his textbook which he quickly closes before grabbing his phone, unconsciously smiling as he opens the chat.

6:15 PM



How are you!


Little Keiji says hi

He is being adorable as usual

Just like you

~Bokuto-san🦉sent 3 attachments~

Look how cuteeee!!!!





I miss uuuuuu

And im bored 😩

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