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Akaashi was...worried, to say the least. Though nowadays, that's a pretty common feeling for him. It's Thursday morning and Akaashi can't help but notice how out of it Kenma is. More than usual.

He's clearly exhausted but it seems different than when he stays up late playing games. He seems more worn out. And that wouldn't explain why he continues to look at his bag.

He looks exhausted but also upset. Maybe even mad as almost every time he looks at the bag his eyes fall to a glare for a second.

He's confused and worried so he's incredibly grateful when the bell lets them go for morning break. He has no idea what today's lesson was and surprisingly, he didn't care.

"Hey Ken." Akaashi nudges Kenma's chair with his foot to get his attention but it doesn't work. Kenma continues to stare straight forward, dazed. "Ken." He tries again, nothing. He sighs and stands up, pulling his chair over to the side of his desk so he can see Kenma's face which just makes him worry more. He looks sad. "Kenma." He waves his hand in front of the boy's face and then snaps, finally getting him to blink out of his daze. He meets Akaashis eyes, exhaustion alarmingly clear. "Are you okay?"

Kenma sighs and straights up, glancing at his bag once more. "Yeah, 'm fine..." Akaashi raises his eyebrows at the blatant lie and glances down at Kenma's bag as well, seeing nothing unusual.

"What's going on?" Kenma just looks at Akaashi for a while and Akaashi can see it all. Anger. Pain. Sadness. Annoyance. Exhaustion. He was fine yesterday so whatever happened last night did something to him. "Kenma...what happened." He asks softly and sees Kenma's eyes gloss over slightly. He looks back at his bag and then there's a switch. A very prominent switch in his mood, anger becoming very clear.

"How long until break is over?"

"What?" Kenma looks at him with an expression that makes Akaashi jump a little. "Uhh 15 minutes. Why?" Kenma doesn't answer, just looks back at his bag. This time though he leans down and digs something out of it. A crumpled piece of paper. Akaashi now has some idea of what's going on but before he gets a chance to ask, Kenma suddenly stands.

"Fuck it I'm ending this now." Then he's leaving. Akaashi takes a second for his brain to catch up before he quickly gets up and follows the boy out of the classroom. He stays behind, giving the boy space for whatever he was about to do though he's not surprised when Kenma takes a turn, entering Suga and Oikawa's classroom.

He pays them no attention, storming past leaving them just as confused as Akaashi who once he gets there, shares a look with the two as Kenma walks over to the three boys who were talking. One seated at a desk, the others standing. Akaashi gulps a little, flinching when Kenma loudly slams the piece of paper on the desk, in front of the bed-headed boy, drawing everyone's attention.

"For the love of god will you leave me alone already!" He yells making Akaashis eyes widen. Kenma never yells. "Don't you get it I don't want to fucking talk to you! Okay!? Can you get it through your thick skull that I don't give a shit what your reason was! I don't care if you're sorry and I don't believe you still give a fuck about me, alright!? I don't care, Kuroo. So take the fucking hint, and leave me alone!" He then walks away, leaving the paper behind and everyone stunned silent as he storms out of the room.

Oikawa and Suga quickly get up and follow the boy out of the room but Akaashi lingers back. He watches as Kuroo hangs his head in his hands as Iwaizumi and Sawamura comfort him. Then he quickly follows in suit, shooting Atsumu a text as he quickly follows his friends to the stairwell.

"Damnit!" He hears yelled and walks through the doors in time to see Kenma angrily kick the wall, hands gripping his hair. Kenma then turns around and leans against the wall, his anger quickly fading as a tear falls down his cheek. "Damnit..." He whispers, sliding to the ground while the three of them rush to his side as he cries, burying his head in his knees.

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