Thirty Seven

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For the first time, Suga didn't feel dread or stress when the bell sounded for lunch. Instead, he just felt pure relief as he took Oikawa's hand and let him lead them down to the cafe. As they walked up, Suga could see the relief in his friend's eyes when they saw them walking together.

"Did y'all finally make up?" Atsumu asks hopefully as Suga and Oikawa take their seats.

"No, we're holding hands because we hate each other." Atsumu sends Oikawa a glare which just makes Suga laugh.

"Yes, we talked it out.  Everything is okay now." Akaashi sighs.

"Thank god." Oikawa rolls his eyes.

"Don't be dramatic."

"You two didn't talk for like 4 days my reaction is nowhere near dramatic." Oikawa clicks his tongue but doesn't say anything else. "You guys are really okay?" Akaashi asks Suga who gives the boy a smile.

"Yes we are, I promise. We talked through everything and apologized."

"Please don't fight like that again."

"Don't worry. We know where we went wrong that led to this and won't make the same mistake twice."

"You two are both insane drama queens. I do not have faith in that statement." Both boys give Kenma an unimpressed look.

"Shut up." They say at the same time which Kenma rolls his eyes too.

"Anyway, I'm sorry that was so stressful for you," Suga says to the group but his eyes are on Akaashi who gives a small smile.

"Yeah, we didn't mean to put that all on you guys. And we shouldn't have brought the fight to the group chat."

"That's really on me for asking."

"No Kaashi it's not. Neither of us should have responded. You asked if we could explain and we should have just said not now." Akaashi doesn't have an argument against that so Suga continues. "None of this was your fault, okay? It was all on us and we're sorry we put any kind of stress and pressure on you."

"Yeah Keiji, we should have handled the entire situation better."

"We're sorry." Akaashi smiles at them both.

"It's okay. The important thing is everything is okay now." Suga and Oikawa share a fond look, both not realizing how much they each missed the other.

"Well, I wouldn' say everythin' 's okay." Kenma hits Atsumu on the arm. "Ow!"

"Shut up."

"What are we really not gonna talk 'bout it?" Akaashi rolls his eyes and they all look at Suga who knew exactly what Atsumu meant the second he said that. He sighs and glances at the group's table—Daichi nowhere in sight. He can't tell if he's relieved he can't see the boy or not.

"Suga," he turns to Akaashi. "You don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want to. But we are here to listen." Suga sighs again and then groans and lets his head fall to the table.

"I don't wanna talk about it ever." He mutters while Oikawa rubs his back. Akaashi sighs.

"You have to talk about it eventually." Suga turns his head so his eyes peek over his arms, sending Akaashi a weak, childish glare.


"Because you do."

"You can't avoid your problems forever." Suga sighs and sits up, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout.

"I can try."

"Suga." The boy groans again and this time just leans into Oikawa who laughs a little and lets him. "Look we won't talk about it now but you know you can't avoid this." Suga huffs a short breath.

It All Started In DetentionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang