Thirty Four

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Suga sighs in relief. He has never been so relieved to hear the school bell ring and the teacher dismiss them. It's been an exhausting past couple of days and Suga really just wants some fucking sleep.

He slowly rises to his feet, a lot slower than everyone else who seem to be trying to leave the room as quickly as possible. Suga doesn't blame them and kind of wishes he had that kind of energy.

And it's only fucking Tuesday.

He slowly packs his things, turning and glancing slightly to his right to see Oikawa sling his bag over his shoulder and walk out of the room, not sparing Suga even a glance. It hurts. Suga notices as more time goes by the anger he feels toward the boy is morphing more and more into just hurt.

He turns back to look down at his bag, aware of the gaze from the other boy. The boy whom Suga hates for no reason. Well, hate is a strong word. More like...strongly dislikes. He doesn't meet the boy's gaze, instead focusing on finishing pacing his stuff so he can get the hell out of there.

Thankfully, Iwaizumi finally looks away, quickly walking out of the room, almost as if he were angry. That gets Suga to look up, watching him go, curious. It's not actually weird for him to leave quickly when school's over. The weird part is, Daichi and Kuroo are still in the room. Looking at the door, confused, clearly having no idea where their friend suddenly went.

Suga has an idea and it makes him grip the strap of his bag tightly to the point his knuckles ache. He pauses and takes a slow, deep breath, relaxing his body enough to zip his bag, sling it over his shoulder, and pull out his phone to text and see if Suna can still take him home. He still has a couple hours before he and Daichi are supposed to meet.

That thought gets him to pause, thumb hovering over the send button as he looks across the room at Daichi and Kuroo, who are talking and grabbing their bags to leave. Suga watches them go, mind going back and forth until deciding to quickly follow and attempt to catch up.

They are walking slowly so all Suga really needs to do is walk normally and call, "Daichi." Which makes the boy stop immediately and turn around. Kuroo also turns to see Suga walking over, says something to Daichi, and then walks away. Daichi giving him a little wave before focusing on Suga who slows to a stop in front of him. "Hey, sorry this will only take a second," He says, glancing at Kuroo who disappears down the stairs. Daichi follows the gaze before turning and smiling at Suga.

"Don't worry about it I um—I'm actually glad." Daichi's demeanor changes, almost like he's embarrassed and Suga instantly catches on as Daichi scratches the back of his neck. "I just um, wanted to thank you. For earlier." Suga returns the smile.

"You don't have to thank me Daichi—"

"I know." He interrupts and Suga lets him, going quiet as Daichi looks into his eyes. "I know I don't but I want to. I...really had no idea what to do. So thanks, for helping me." Suga feels worry cross his face for a second.

"Does that happen a lot?" Daichi shrugs and his hands fall into his pocket.

"I mean, I wouldn't say a lot but it does happen sometimes. Just...not usually that...intense." Suga nods in understanding.

"Did something trigger it then? I noticed before too you've kinda been off all day." Daichi smiles at Suga's consideration and is also a little surprised Suga is asking. Suga doesn't know why he's asking either.

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