Twenty Four

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Disclaimer: this chapter contains implications of child abuse. Please proceed with caution if you are sensitive around this topics.


Suga is relieved that the park is way closer than the library. He's not sure why Daichi wanted to work outside. He didn't give much of a reason. Just said it was nice. Which it is, Suga can't deny that. The sun is up, very few clouds in the sky but the cool breeze that blows through keeps him from getting too hot.

Daichi was already there at a picnic table with his work when Suga arrived. The occasional breeze blew the boy's short hair slightly as he stared at the page below him, sun beating down and reflecting off the sleek leather of his jacket. He wasn't doing work though. He was drawing—no surprise there. The sound of Suga's footsteps on the grass and fallen leaves as the weather heads for fall brings Daichi's head up from his sketchbook. He smiles lightly when he sees Suga who ignores what that did to him. He's used to Daichi's annoying smirks or taunting smiles. He's not used to...whatever the hell that was.

"Well well well, he finally shows." Perfect. That's what he's used to. Annoyance erases...whatever that was, causing Suga to glare as he takes a seat across from Daichi.

"I am five minutes early, shut the fuck up." Daichi laughs a little. "How long have you been here?" Suga begins to unpack while Daichi turns back to his sketchbook. Adding details to a drawing that surprisingly isn't of Suga. Not like Suga's disappointed or anything.

"I dunno. Maybe like 20 minutes." Suga frowns a little. He shouldn't feel bad considering they had agreed to meet on the hour. It's not his fault Daichi came way earlier than he needed to. He shakes that thought away as he logs into his computer.

"Did you do any work in that time or did you just draw," Daichi smirks but his eyes stay focused on the tree he's shading.

"Guess?" Suga rolls his eyes.

"Finish that up, we do actually have to work."

"Relax, we aren't behind. I promise." Daichi finally puts his pencil down and gives Suga a reassuring smile. Suga just glares and turns his attention to his computer. Daichi is right, even though they hadn't met in a week minus the few minutes in class the sometimes get, they still had two whole weeks to finish. As long as things go smoothly they will finish with time to spare.

Soon enough, both boys get swept up in their work, exchanging opinions and ideas while jotting down notes. Suga had started looking at pictures for their presentation while Daichi was finding quotes in East of Eden. He was restless though, Suga noticed. His leg was bounding and his fingers were tapping the edge of the page as he read. Suga frowns and watches him for a second. Seeing how his fingers fidget together and how he takes a slow deep breath as if to calm himself.

Then it clicks.

And Suga snorts a little, drawing Daichi's eyes up to Suga's who gives an amused smile.

"You can smoke if you want, Daichi." The boy's eyes widen and he goes quiet for a moment. Finally, Suga thinks, smirking but not saying it. Daichi clicks his tongue and glares a little.

"And why do you think I want to smoke right now?" Suga matches his stare, lowering his computer screen and leaning against the table.

"Am I wrong?" Daichi watches him for a moment, annoyed and skeptical but Suga knows exactly what's going on. Then Daichi relaxes, sitting up straight.

"You sure you don't mind?" He asks and Suga also relaxes, giving a small smile without realizing.

"Yeah, I really don't care. Go for it." Suga opens his computer and goes back to work. He listens though, hearing the rustle of Daichi pulling something out of his pocket. Then the very light sound of cardboard opening. Then a lighter. And then the smell of smoke floats around the table: only for a second before the wind whisks it away. Daichi then makes sure to keep the smoke away from Suga. But smelling the distant smoke of a cigarette made Suga smile a little.

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