I'm Just...Me-Nagyung

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Nagyung (fromis_9) x Male Reader
Requested by IamZod

Y/n's POV

"I need this book today," I grabbed my History book.

"Hi Y/n," my best friend, Nagyung, walked up to me.

"Hello," I smiled to her. "You look nice today."

"Thanks," she spun around. "Gyuri Unnie helped me pick out some colors to match."

Someone bumped into her making her bump me. I helped her stand up straight.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"I'm fine," she huffed. "I'm an idol, shouldn't they have a little more respect for me?"

"Nagyung," I chuckled. "You just debuted. Give it time."

She nodded then we walked to class together. Her hand was holding my arm tight, like we were a couple.

But it won't happen. She's so out of my league and I'm just...me.

"I wonder what he's going to talk about today," she sat in her seat.


"Did you like the comeback?" Nagyung walked to me, her hair color telling her apart from all the other girls.

"I love it," I smiled thinking about Love Bomb. "And your hair, it's so cool!"

"Nagyung! Can I get an autograph?!"

Lots of students started to surround her, asking for pictures and signatures. I began to grow gloomy as she got more invested.

"Let's go to class," she waved a hand in my face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

We walked side by side. She never held my arm anymore, possibly because anyone here could start a scandal.

"So Friday is game night at my house," I looked to her as we sat down. "You want me to save you your favorite controller?"

"I can't," she frowned. "I actually have practice then I'm headed to Nam Jaewook's party."

"Jaewook?" I furrowed my brows. "The-?"

"The soccer captain," she nodded. "He asked me to come. Asked! He sent the other invites but he formally asked me. Such a catch."

I cringed inside, she has a crush on him too then. I sighed disappointedly.

"Did you get invited?" She set her phone down.

"No," I shook my head. "It's fine."

Nagyung nodded before fanning her face.

"There he is," she looked to Jaewook. "Wah."

She blushed as he met her eyes. I scowled to myself. I wish she thought that about me.


I watched as Nagyung conversed with some of her new found "friends". She was smiling brightly. I guess she's finally popular like she wants.

My hands shut the door on my locker. I wanted to wait for her but it's been a while since she's really talked to me.

But then there is also-.

"Jaewook!" She squealed.

He caught her, smiling widely. I turned and walked away. I can't stand seeing the girl I've always loved being happy with another guy.

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