Share Those Feelings-Jinsoul

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Jinsoul (ARTMS) x Male Reader
Angst & Fluff
(A/n: Requested but they asked not to be mentioned.)

Y/n's POV

I walked into my home room. I sat at my assigned desk. I got out my work for the week and began scribbling in the answers off the top of my head.

My reputation here immediately made me the class loser and a nerd. I'm friendly to everyone else, but them to me?

"Got my homework?" I jumped in my seat as one of the jocks slammed his hands on my desk.

"Y-Yes," I took it out of my folder.

"Good," he snatched it. "Better be a good grade."

I nodded as he walked away. I fixed my glasses, loosening my tie as well. The jocks and cheerleaders were always like that.

The others just let me be. I didn't have any friends. I was just the nerd.

"Y/n," my teacher smiled. "You're here early."

"Like always," I nodded.

She handed me the work sheet for the day.

"Why something so easy?" I furrowed my brows.

"We have a new student joining us so I want to recap the last two weeks worth of work," she looked at the roster on her computer. "Her name is Jung Jinsoul."

I nodded, great. She'll probably be popular.

"She's a year ahead of you Y/n," the teacher hummed. "Maybe she'll be a friend?"

"I don't have any friends here," I shook my head.

My teacher frowned, stacking the papers neatly.

"So what do you do in your spare time?" She put papers on every desk that a student sat at.

"Read," I shrugged. "Pretend that I have a family. You know, boring stuff."

"Pretend?" Her head whipped to me.

"Yeah," I nodded. "My Eomma gave me up for adoption when I was a baby. I never knew her or my Appa. I'm in the foster care system but no one has had an interest in fostering me. I have to make good grades and keep my job going. When I'm released from the system, I'm out of the group home. I don't want to be on the streets."

My teacher came to me.

"You're eating, yes?" She gave me a concerned look.

"I am," I nodded again.

"If you need anything," she got sincere. "Food, clothes, anything Y/n, let me know."

"Thank you Ms. Bae," I smiled. "Means a lot."

She patted my back and went back to passing out papers on the desks.

"Is this Ms. Bae's room?" I looked up seeing a beautiful girl.

"Yes good morning," the teacher went to her. "You must be Jinsoul?"

"Ah yes," she smiled and bowed. "That's me."

"Perfect," Ms. Bae bowed back. "I have you sitting next to Y/n over in the corner."

Jinsoul nodded then took the seat to my left.

"Hi," she waved.

"H-Hi," I waved shyly.

"I'm Jinsoul," she stuck her hand out to me.

"Y/n," I shook it.

My hand was shaking intensely. I looked into her eyes before pulling my hand away. My gaze went down to my worksheet.

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