Done Nothing II-Yoon Jiwoo

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Yoon Jiwoo (Character from My Name) x G!P Reader
Requested by Someonebeyond
⚠️Smut⚠️, Angst, & Fluff

Jiwoo's POV

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My vision was blurry as I took deep breaths.

"Jiwoo?" I heard Y/n's voice. "Hey, are you okay? I've been calling your name."

I turned to her, letting her see my teary eyes. She grew concerned.


I gave her the stick in my hand. She looked at it, her eyes widening.

"You're pregnant?" She whispered. "Jiwoo I'm sorry."

"N-No!" I grabbed her cheeks. "I wanted it, I just-all this......we have to run."

"Jiwoo they'll find you," she rested her hands on my hips. "Mujin, his men, the cops....they'll know."

"If we run-."

"Jiwoo we can't run," Y/n brushed my hair out of my face.

"We can't raise a baby in this mess," I shook my head.

"Jiwoo-," she tried to stop me.

"We can't!" I slammed the bedroom door.

I curled into a ball on our bed. I began crying, this baby can't live a life like this. I have to end this situation I'm in

And if Y/n doesn't want to run away with me, then I guess she'll get left behind. I have no other options.

"Jiwoo?" She knocked.

"Go away," I sniffled. "Please?"

"But-," she sighed. "Jiwoo I love you, but I'll leave. Please, don't do anything stupid. I'll be at the coffee shop down the street okay?"

I heard her leave the doorway. I grabbed her pillow and held it tightly.

"I love you Y/n," I smiled.


I walked down the street to the coffee shop. I entered it with my head down.

"You're still here?" I sat across from Y/n.

"I wasn't going to come back until you told me to," she gave me a knowing look. "Like the last time."

I smiled lovingly. I grabbed her hand across the table.

"Come home," I whispered. "We have to talk."

"Jiwoo I-."

"I don't want to run," I ran my thumb across her knuckles. "Not anymore. But, I don't want to live in fear. Y/n, will you come home with me?"

"Jiwoo you already know I will always come home to you," she nodded.

I got up and joined her in the other side of the booth. I smothered her cheeks in kisses.

"Jiwoo-yah," Y/n laughed.

My lips met hers, molding us together. I held her cheek and kept my eyes closed tight. We both got up after she paid her ticket.

We left the shop hand-in-hand.

I'm proud of you Hyejin.

I smiled, feeling Pildo's presence. I held Y/n's hand tightly as we approached our apartment door.

She let me in, helping me take my coat off. We took our shoes off and went to our room. I laid down with her.

I cuddled up to her.

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