第40章 - Trepidation

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Sakazuki: a formal ceremonial process in which two or more individuals form a bond akin to that of family in an exchange of sake cups

A/N: I have so many ideas for this story that sometimes I spin a wheel to see who lives and who dies.

'A fox

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'A fox...?'

Yuji wasn't sure if he was seeing things or not. The chilling aura, the cursed energy so frightening that he would've collapsed had he not already been sitting, the eyes that watched him like a predator watching prey, and that feeling of being near-death still hung heavily in the air. He was too afraid to do anything, scared that even a small twitch could lead to his death - his permanent death.

But even so, he refused to believe that it all came from that cute little fox perched on the railings of the fences near the underpass. 'Wait...since when did white foxes roam around the streets of Japan like this?!' Yuji's brown eyes shifted to meet Junpei's, which mirrored the fright in his. Yuji could tell Junpei also didn't believe something so utterly terrifying came from that little thing perched on the railing.

They looked back at the fox. Its pale yellow eyes were still staring at them. No...wait. Their eyes widened in realization. The fox wasn't looking at them. It was looking at something behind them. They exchanged wary glances before slowly turning their heads only to see...


They swiftly turned back around only to find that the fox was gone. Yuji and Junpei turned to look at each other. "You...saw that too right?" Junpei asked, referring to the white fox that he had definitely seen sitting on the railing not even a second ago. It was like it appeared and disappeared out of thin air. Yuji nodded.

"Yea but how did it just disappear like that?" The terrifying feeling from before vanished after the fox disappeared so maybe it was the cause of that dangerous cursed energy. 'But that doesn't make any sense...it was like the cursed energy was everywhere not concentrated in that fox. Maybe it's a type of cursed spirit or something I haven't learned about yet? A cursed technique?'

"Teleportation." The saccharine voice shot fear up the boys' spines and they immediately froze. Could this person be the one possessing the terrifying aura? Was this their end? They shakily turned their heads in a slow, robotic fashion and their eyes widened simultaneously at the person leaning against the railing with the white fox they saw from earlier resting on her shoulder. She did it in such a nonchalant fashion that any passerby would've believed she was just a regular teenager out on an afternoon jog.

White hair, round-rimmed sunglasses, and an aura of confidence that made everyone around quiver and pale in comparison.

'There's only one person I can think of who could possibly possess such an aura...'

'Gojo-sensei...? Did he get turned into a teenage girl cause of some cursed technique? No, that doesn't make any sense. This presence is different—it's calmer—almost like my body's being stroked by a soft night breeze.'

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