Chapter 1

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There's something about the rain that just makes my day so much better. Sometimes I like to curl up on my couch with a nice cup of coffee and my favorite book. Others I feel like running around in it, and others I feel like sleeping my day away. I loved thunderstorms because they just made things so much easier. The only problem with a good thunderstorm is that they are great for cuddling up with someone special and the trouble with that is that I was miserably single. And that was a crime. To me anyway. I wasn't alone of course. I had my roommate Tara. She was a little bit of a loner though. She preferred punk rock and hair dye to people. Her hair was always changing colors; currently it was an electric blue. Next week it would probably be a weird green color. I looked out my window, watching the rain fall, feeling lonely and sad. I sighed and stood up from my bed. Walking out to the kitchen, I waved at Tara, lazily. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured myself some juice from the fridge. 

"You good Caty?" Tara asked, turning on the couch to look at me. I shrugged. "What's going on? You look bummed."

"I just hate being single!" I cried throwing my free hand in the air. "I don't understand why guys have to be so difficult. Why can't I just find a good guy that will want to make me happy and will want me to be with him?" Tara patted the seat next to her and I glumly trudged over and sat down next to her. She turned again and looked at me for a moment before speaking.

"Girl, you don't need a man to be happy," she said, placing her hand on my arm. "You are perfectly fine, just being you. You are an amazing person with an amazing heart, a beautiful soul and any guy would be lucky to have you. But you don't NEED anyone to make you better." I smiled slightly and patted her hand that was resting on my arm. 

"Thanks Tara," I replied, smiling still. "I really appreciate it, you have no idea." She smiled and turned on the tv. As she was flipping through the channels, I saw a clip of my brother's show flash on the screen.

"Wait, go back," I cried, startling her slightly. She turned back and it was an episode of Ghost Adventures the show my brother is an investigator on. Maybe I should introduce myself before I go too much further. My name is Catherine Goodwin. Aaron is my brother. I loved watching my brother's show. He was an incredible investigator and he had shared his love of investigating with me. Tara was also a paranormal investigator. She and I along with our friend Derek, had done several investigations in Colorado where we lived, along with Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. We were just starting out but we were planning on branching out eventually. I wanted to see some of the things that my brother and his team have seen. 

"You're brother is super hot dude," Tara said, fanning herself. I smacked her arm.

"Um ew," I replied. She laughed. "Seriously though, if you want to talk about someone who's hot, look at Zak." I watched the screen as Zak was delivering one of his monologues about the upcoming investigation. His dark hair and crystal blue eyes, and don't even get me started on his body and tattoos. I began to feel a little warm and started to fan myself.

"Come on now, you can't give me crap for fanning myself when it comes to your brother if you are going to do that," Tara teased. 

"Ok but he's my brother, Zak is...Zak," I replied, waving my hand toward the tv. This was the episode where they were in Gettysburg. It was one of my favorites because of the activity they experienced and the evidence they caught. Ever since my brother started on this journey with the Ghost Adventures team, I had had a massive crush on Zak. Not that I would ever tell my brother. As we continued to watch, my phone began to ring. I looked down and saw the goofy picture that my brother and I had taken two years ago of us with our tongues sticking out. I smiled as I answered the phone.

"Hey teddy bear what's up?" I asked, as I settled back on the couch cushions. 

"Teddy bear? Are you seriously still calling me that?" he asked with a snort of laughter. "Come on, surely you can come up with something different right?"

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