Chapter 18

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Caty POV

I needed to get to the airport. And I wasn't going to Denver. I knew that Hunter and Casey wouldn't be able to keep this from him. Hunter would confront him and Casey would try to keep the peace. I had told them I was heading to Denver but that wasn't true. I wasn't really sure where to go honestly. But I wasn't going to go to the one place he thought I was going. Even if he did care and tried to find me, I wasn't going to let him. I was done. He had told me he loved me and I had given him everything. I was pregnant with his child for goddess sake! Thinking about the baby made me cry so I tried to think of anything else but the baby. I was pulling into the airport when my phone started ringing. I could see the picture of Zak and I together pop up on the screen and I started crying again. I ignored his call; I couldn't bare to talk to him right now. 

I parked my car not caring about what happened to it. It was his problem now. By the time he thought to track the gps in it, I'd be long gone. My phone rang again and again I ignored it. I couldn't deal. I walked into the airport with only my purse. I looked around until I found where the ticket counters were and I walked over to one. I made a split second decision looking up at the flight boards.

"Hi I need a flight to Pittsburgh please," I told the lady behind the counter trying not to cry. She looked up at me and smiled.

"When do you need the flight for?" she asked kindly.

"As soon as possible please," I replied drumming my fingers on the desk. 

"We have one leaving in about forty-five minutes," she said, looking at her computer. "But the only seats left available are in first class."

"That's perfectly fine," I said, handing over my credit card. He would get a notification but I didn't care. By the time he was able to make it here, he would be looking for the wrong flight anyway and I wouldn't be here. I also handed her my ID and after a few moments, she handed me my ID, credit card and my ticket. I thanked her and walked away to go through security. Thankfully there wasn't a long line and within fifteen minutes I was sitting at my gate getting ready to leave. I had gone over to the ATM and withdrawn a few thousand dollars so that I didn't have to use the card anymore. He could use that to track me and I wasn't going to risk it. Just then my phone rang again and I sighed, expecting to ignore it but I noticed that it was Tara. I tried to keep my voice light as I answered.

"Hey Tara," I said, trying to sound happy.

"Hey girlie, did you tell him? What did he say? Was he excited?" she asked in a rush. The excitement in her voice was too much and I burst into tears. "Caty? What's wrong?"

"I went to see him at the museum but...he was in his office kissing another woman. Some girl with blonde hair, I couldn't see her face," I sobbed into the phone. 

"What?" she yelped. I could hear Aaron in the background asking if she was ok and she shushed him.

"I even went to go get a few things to surprise him and there he was with another woman," I explained, fresh tears falling down my face.

"Caty where are you?" she asked me and I could tell she was worried.

"I'm at the airport," I said. "I told Casey and Hunter that I was going home to Denver but I lied. I'm going to Greenville now. He won't even think to look for me there," I explained. 

"I'm getting on a plane tonight and I am coming to you," she said and I could hear Aaron asking questions. She shushed him again.

"I'm going straight to the location so that I can at least help trying to get everything prepared for your lockdown," I said, wiping my eyes on the sleeve of my jacket. I looked down and noticed that I was still wearing my dress and flats and it was all I had. "Hey if you are coming will you bring me a couple outfits? I drove straight to the airport from the museum."

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