Chapter 15

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Caty POV

Zak was such an adorable sleeper. People had the tendency to think that he was big bad wolf, but to me he was almost as much of a teddy bear as Aaron was. I must have fallen asleep after we had sex. I sat up and watched him sleep for a moment before getting up to head to the kitchen for some water. I heard him stir and looked back but he just turned in the bed and slept on. I smiled to myself, and grabbed his shirt off the floor and slipping it on. I went into the kitchen to get a drink and as I stood against the counter, I gazed out the glass doors into the back yard watching the sun go down. After a few minutes, I turned to the counter and saw my phone sitting there. I had forgotten it when Zak attacked. I grabbed it and unlocked it seeing that I had a few missed calls from Tara. I sighed and dialed her number, walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch.

"Hey girl, you ignoring me?" she asked, and I could tell she was smiling.

"Nah, I passed out and took a much needed nap," I said, grinning. 

"What did you do too much today or something?" she replied, laughing. 

"Let's just say Zak and I had a very intense workout," I said, suggestively. She was quiet for a moment and then she squealed in my ear.

"Oh my goddess, you didn't?" she said, and I could tell she was excited. "You slept with Zak?" I heard Aaron's voice in the background yelling but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"What's his deal?" I asked laughing. 

"He said 'Gross, I don't want to know,'" she replied laughing. "How was it? I want details." 

"I don't!" I heard Aaron yell. I laughed again.

"He's amazing, girl," I sighed. "The things he can do and his tongue, I swear."

"Oh come on!" I heard Aaron yell. 

"Well if you don't want to hear go in there," Tara said to him.

"It's kind of hard when you have her on speaker," Aaron shouted, and I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing.

"I'm trying to do my hair so we can go to dinner!" Tara shouted back at him.

"Um, do I need to let you go?" I asked, amused.

"Yes!" Aaron shouted. "I can't listen to the details of my best friend fucking my sister!" I laughed out loud.

"Tara, call me later, and I'll explain everything," I said, grinning again. 

"Ugh, fine. Damn it Aaron you are making me miss out on JUICY DETAILS!" she yelled back at him as she hung up. I laughed and tucked my legs under me looking out the windows again as I took another sip of my drink. I could see the mountains through the doors so I decided to step out onto the back patio. Zak had a fence around his yard so I wasn't worried about anyone seeing me in only his shirt. I got up and walked through the back door. It was a bit warm for November but I wasn't complaining. I sat down in one of the patio chairs and watched the sky, thinking of my mom. I missed her so much and I hated the fact that she wasn't here with me.

"I miss you mom," I whispered out loud. "I wish you were here. I'm going through something out of the ordinary for me and I could really use your help. I love him so much and I'm scared. I'm terrified that I'm not going to be good enough for him. What if I don't make him happy or he gets bored of me?" I took a deep breath feeling as though I might cry, looking up at the darkening sky as if she would answer me. A few tears fell from my eyes as I stared up at the stars that were starting to pop up all over the place. I wiped my cheeks and brought my knees up against my chest. I stayed like that for a while, before I ended up falling asleep again.



I woke up slowly and saw that it was dark out. We must have fallen asleep after we had sex. The most amazing sex of my life. I rolled over and reached out for Caty, so that I could pull her in closer to me but the bed was empty.

"Babe?" I called, wondering if she had gone to the bathroom. When there was no answer, I slowly got out of bed, pulling my sweatpants from the floor and pulled them on. I walked toward the bathroom and saw that the light was off so I decided to go looking for her. Maybe she was in the living room or the kitchen. When I walked out of the bedroom though, I saw that the whole house was dark. Caty wouldn't sit in darkness like this. "Caty? Where are you?" There was still no answer. I opened the front door to see if she had gone somewhere, but my car was still in the driveway. I was beginning to panic now. I ran back to the room and grabbed my phone, dialing Caty's number while I grabbed my keys. It rang a few times and went to voicemail. I cursed, wondering where she could have gone. I grabbed my phone again and called Aaron.

"Bro have you heard from Caty?" I asked, panicked. 

"No, she talked to Tara about an hour and a half ago but nothing since then. Why?" he asked, sounding worried.

"I woke up and she was gone," I said rushing around the house to see if she was anywhere in the house. "She's not answering her phone and I'm freaking out."

"Check outside," Aaron suggested. "She likes watching the stars at night, maybe she's outside and just doesn't have her phone on her." I ran to the back door in the kitchen, flipped on the outside light and sighed in relief; she was curled up asleep on one of the lounge chairs out on the patio.

"I found her," I breathed and Aaron sighed in relief. "I'll call you tomorrow, bro. Sorry about this."

"Tell her that she's as ass from me," Aaron said and I chuckled. "She's going to give her old brother a heart attack one of these days." I said goodnight and went outside, bending down to scoop Caty in my arms. She woke up slightly and whimpered a little.

"Baby?" she asked, sounding groggy. "What's wrong?"

"You almost gave me a heart attack," I said, holding her close to me. "I woke up and couldn't find you and I panicked."

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I wanted to watch the stars and must have fallen asleep. I'm sorry baby."

"It's ok, just don't do that again," I said, carrying her into the house and shutting the back door. She snuggled closer into my chest.

"I won't," she said yawning. I chuckled at her and took her back in the bedroom. Laying her softly in the bed, I noticed that she was asleep again. I pulled the covers over her and bent down to kiss her forehead. I left her to sleep and walked back into the kitchen to get a drink. I opened the fridge and just stared into it for a few minutes. I was amazed at how much she was affecting me already and it had only been a few weeks. I already loved this girl more than anything. 

I pulled an energy drink out of the fridge and decided to head down to my own special space that I liked to call the dungeon. I didn't like to bring other people down there because of the negative energies that were very prevalent down there. I had my own personal collection in the dungeon, that I wouldn't even take to the museum. As I walked down the stairs, I thought more about Caty and how I wanted things to be. I walked over to my desk and grabbed some paperwork on the next investigation site, walked over to the couch and sank down onto it. I started going through some info about the next site. I was worried about taking her with us. After what had happened at the Goldfield I would be perfectly fine with her never stepping foot into a haunted location ever again. But I couldn't take that from her. We had asked her and Tara to be a part of the team and I couldn't ask her to give up what she loved. I could, however, do a ton of research and make sure that we knew exactly what we were walking in to so that maybe we could avoid another situation like what we encountered before. I worked for a few hours before checking my watch and upon seeing it was after two in the morning, I shut all the lights off in the dungeon and headed back upstairs to my room. When I walked in the room I saw that Caty was still sleeping. I smiled as I watched her sleep. After a few minutes, I walked over and slipped in the bed under the covers with her. I took my glasses off and put them on the bedside table before turning and pulling her into my arms and allowing sleep to take over me again.

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