Chapter 4

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Caty POV

After Zak left, I decided that it was time for a shower. I pulled my suitcase on to the bed and pulled out clothes that I wanted to wear to dinner. I nice halter top dress with my chucky heels. It was a chilly out so I figured I would wear my leather jacket over it. I looked at the clock; it was five-thirty. I had plenty of time to get ready. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. While I waited for the water to get hot, I stripped my clothes off and stood in front of the mirror. I stared into my own eyes, trying to calm my heart. I couldn't believe my body could betray me so easily when it came to Zak. As the steam began to swirl around the bathroom, I sighed and stepped into the tub. I stuck my head under the water, and thought of him. The fact that he was so close, but yet so far away, was driving me insane. I had fantasized about him for so long, the fact that he was right next door was almost torture.

The heat of the water was amazing. I had to hand it to this hotel, they had great water pressure and the fact that it got so warm was amazing. It was working out all the tension in my shoulders and I was able to relax finally. I went to reach for my shampoo but I realized that I had left my shower stuff in the room.

"Shit," I said out loud. I had to figure out a way to get it without having to turn off the shower. I decided to call my brother. I had placed my phone on the top of the toilet so I unlocked it and dialed his number.

"Hey little sis what's up?" Aaron's voice asked when he answered. 

"Hey where are you? I need you to come to my room for a minute," I said. "I forgot my shampoo and I'm soaked and I really don't want to have to get out and get it."

"Well I'm actually not at the hotel," he said.

"Where are you?" I asked, surprised.

"I'm out with Tara, I wanted to get to know her a little better," he said, trying to sound casual. My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Ok," I said calmly although I was anything but calm at this point. I was surprised and a little irritated in this moment.

"Hey don't worry, I'll call Zak and have him grab it for you," he said. Before I could say anything against it, he had hung up.

"Shit!" I said out loud again. This was the last thing I needed right now. The man that I was obsessed over, was going to be in my bathroom while I was showering. I grabbed a towel from the rack just in case and a few minutes later, I heard the adjoining door open.

"Catherine?" I heard Zak's voice call. "Where is your shampoo and stuff?"

"It's in the green overnight bag," I called back. "Shit, shit, shit."

"Ok I've got it. I'm coming in ok?" Zak called through the door. I didn't respond, but shrunk up against the wall of the shower. I heard the door open and I stuck my head out just a bit; Zak had my green bag in one hand and his other covering his eyes. "Where do you want this bag?"

"Just hand it here," I said sticking my hand out. I realized that he couldn't see me so I chuckled. "Come to your right a little bit." He went left and bumped into the sink counter. "Your other right, silly."

"Right, sorry," he replied, coming the right direction this time. As he got close, I stuck my hand to grab the bag. As his hand made contact with my hand, I felt those same sparks again. I grabbed the bag and jerked my hand back. He made a jerking movement with his hand so I wondered if he had felt it as well. His hand that was over his eyes shook for a moment, almost as though he wanted to lower it, but I must have imagined it because he quickly turned around.

"Hey where is your phone?" he asked. I looked at the back of his head for a moment. 

"It's on the back of the toilet," I said, feeling unsure of what he wanted. He made sure that he wouldn't see me in the shower as he walked over to it. "The password is 1031."

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