Chapter 6

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Caty POV

The next morning, I was woken up by my phone ringing. I groaned and rolled over to the bedside table and grabbed my phone.

"Hello?" I said groggily, not even paying attention to who it was.

"Girl I need you to wake up!" Tara exclaimed. "I have amazing news right now."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Does that matter?" she asked, irritated. "I need to tell you something important."

"Ok ok come down to my room so that I can wake up some," I groaned. She squealed and hung up. I sat up to rub my eyes and looked toward the window. The sun was shining outside and I wished I was still asleep. A few minutes later there was a frantic knocking on my door. I groaned again and got up, trudging over to the door. I opened it and Tara was standing there bouncing up and down.

"Ok what is so important that you had to wake me up this early?" I grumped, stomping back over to the bed and throwing myself onto it.

"I slept with your brother last night!" Tara exclaimed. I shot straight up in bed and stared at her.

"You did WHAT?!" I screeched and she shushed me slightly. "Why would you do that? You just met him!"

"Actually that's not entirely true," she replied looking sheepish. "The last time he came to see you, he came by while you weren't home and we got to talking. We've been talking for months and he's come out to see me a couple times. We never actually did anything until last night though." I was floored. I couldn't believe that my best friend and my brother were in a kind of relationship and never told me.

"Are you serious? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, patting the bed next to me for her to lay down next to me.

"We didn't want to say anything until we knew it was going to go somewhere," she replied. She rolled over, laying her head on her arm and looking at me. She definitely had that post sex glow. 

"Well I don't want details but, I'm happy for you," I said, hugging her slightly. "Just do right, that's still my brother."

"Oh I know, trust me," she said grinning. 

"Oh ew, ok I don't want details, enough about that," I said, covering my ears. She only laughed.

"So what happened with you and Zak last night?" she asked, thankfully changing the subject.

"Nothing really, he invited me into his room for a drink and we talked a little bit before I went to bed," I said shrugging.

"Wait, so I got lucky last night and you didn't?" she said, looking astonished and confused.

"He doesn't feel that way towards me, Tara," I said, getting up out of the bed and going over to my suitcase to get clothes.

"Um, you really are blind aren't you?" she asked. I turned to look at her. "Did you not see the way he was doting on you last night? Helping you into and out of the car, holding doors open for you? I mean seriously?"

"He was just being kind. You had Aaron all over you, maybe he just didn't want me to feel alone," I said, grasping at straws. She raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a look.

"You're unbelievable," she said, sitting up. "I'm telling you, you need to look a little closer into his actions. Trust me."

"Yeah yeah if you say so," I responded, rolling my eyes. "Now out, so that I can get dressed." I shooed her out the door and closed it behind her smiling. I was almost dressed when I heard another knock on my door. I walked over thinking it was her again, but when I opened my door, there was a vase of wild flowers sitting right in front of it. I bent down to pick up the vase. As I turned to place them on the table, I pulled the card from a pick inside the vase. 'Thanks for last night, it was nice to get to know you better. Zak.' I smiled and bent down to smell them. Maybe Tara was right, maybe he did feel something for me.

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