Chapter 20

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Caty POV

Sleeping in a car is not the most comfortable thing in the world so I was grateful when we made it to the hotel. I figured that this was going to be a great way to just not think about Zak or having my heart broken. The only bad thing about being here with the others was that I couldn't drink because of the baby. Normally that would be the go to for me and Tara, but I wouldn't be partaking this time. 

When we pulled up to the hotel, I was ready to get inside and take a hot shower. I knew that Tara would be coming soon with my clothes and I was ready to unwind. I was almost inside when I heard a woman calling to me from across the parking lot.

"Oh my god aren't you Caty Goodwin?" I turned to see a couple girls that couldn't be older than twenty or so coming up towards us. I sighed and put a smile on my face.

"Yeah that's me," I said. They were beaming, and obviously excited to see me. Then they noticed Billy and Jay and got even more excited. 

"We absolutely love Ghost Adventures," one of them simpered. "Can we take a picture?"

"Sure," I said, genuinely smiling now, even though they had mentioned the show. We all took a selfie and I made sure that it was a good one before handing her the phone back. 

"So where is Zak and your brother?" the other girl asked. At the mention of Zak's name, my clenched almost painfully and I had to fight to keep the smile on my face. I could see Billy and Jay look at each other but the girls were too interested in my answer to pay attention.

"Oh um, Zak had some things to take care of in Vegas before coming out and Aaron and Tara are coming in soon," I responded, fighting off the pain in my chest.

"You guys are like the cutest couple I have ever seen," the first girl said, excitedly. "Do you think Zak will propose soon?" That was about all I could handle.

"Um, I don't know, but I really hope so," I said, edging toward the hotel. "It was really nice to meet you guys, but I have to go get checked in. Hopefully we will see you guys again soon." They said their goodbyes and headed toward their car. Billy and Jay took one look at me and Billy took me in his arms and held me as the tears fell again. He ushered me inside and Jay got me checked in. They had gotten another room under Jay's reservation and I was grateful. Billy and I walked off toward his room because I needed to get somewhere private before I had a total breakdown. As soon as his door was opened and we were inside, I lost all control of my legs and fell in the floor.

"Caty! What the hell?" Billy said, picking me up, and carrying me to the bed, where I turned over on to my side and curled up in a ball and cried. Billy sat down at the end of the bed until Jay showed up and he got up to let him in. When Jay walked in, he stopped dead at the sight of me on the bed. He walked over slowly and sat down next to me.

"Caty? Are you ok?" he asked. I just sobbed harder.

"No," I said simply. "I don't know how I'm supposed to live without him Jay! How am I supposed to raise this baby on my own? I can't bear the thought of him right now but I can't not love him! How fucked up is that?"

"Caty it's not fucked up," Jay said, rubbing my back. "It's not at all. We're talking about the man you love here. It would be fucked up if you didn't care about this situation. Honestly though I don't think you should shut him out. I think you need to talk to him and let him explain everything. I think you might understand if you did."

"How can I look him in the eye?" I asked, looking up at Jay. "How can I trust that he truly loves me? What should I do Jay, help me please!" Jay looked down at me sadly.

"You need to hear him out," Jay repeated quietly. I nodded at him and settled back on the bed, pulling one of the pillows close to me, as I sobbed quietly. 

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