Chapter 11

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Caty POV

The next few days went by without further incident and we all had some sort of unspoken agreement not to talk about what had happened at the Goldfield and I was grateful to them all for it. Tara and I had discussed it slightly but it was only after the first nightmare. She assured me that she was not afraid of me and I was finally able to relax. I had been sleeping in Zak's bed since that night and I was not complaining at all. I was beginning to get a little sad though because I didn't know what we were going to do about our relationship when this trip was over. I was afraid to say anything though and decided to enjoy it while I could. Things with us had been great over the last few days and I didn't want to spoil it. 

A few days before we were due to fly back to Denver, Tara and I were sitting in my room on my couch. The boys had gone out to get dinner for us all and Tara and I were more than happy to just chill while they did.

"Tara, I'm freaking out," I told her as we sat there. She looked up at me curiously.

"Why?" she asked. "Are you still having nightmares?"

"No, not as bad as that first night anyway," I responded. I was holding a wine cooler in my hand and I traced the opening with my finger as I spoke. "I'm worried about what is going to happen with me and Zak when this trip is over."

"Have you not spoken to him about it?" she asked. "I mean he asked you to be his girlfriend and you guys have been all over each other for days. I mean you should just talk to him."

"I'm just worried about how we are going to make this work," I said, not looking at her. "Maybe making this official was a bad idea." She had taken a sip of her drink and she looked up at me as she swallowed.

"Girl, shut up," she said, waving a hand in the air. "You are in love with that man and it doesn't take a genius to tell that he's head over heels in love with you as well. I would be surprised if he doesn't pop the question soon." I choked slightly on my drink and coughed.

"Don't you think it's a bit early for that?" I asked her, wiping my mouth. 

"Not if it's real," she said shrugging. "Caty, you deserve true love more than anyone. I'm serious, I don't think it's going to take long."

"I wish mom was here," I whispered. "She would know what to tell me."

"She is here, Caty," she replied, covering my hand with hers. "She's always here with you, and she agrees with me. She thinks that you need to stop overthinking things and take a leap."

"Yeah that definitely sounds like mom," I chuckled. "Thanks, Tara. I'll talk to him tonight."

"No problem, one of the perks of having a medium as your best friend. I get all the best advice to give," she whispered, winking at me. I laughed. Just then my phone rang. I picked it up and saw a pictured of Zak and I looking cuddly that Tara had taken the day after my birthday, without me knowing. I smiled and answered.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I said.

"Where are you guys at?" he asked.

"In my room, are you guys back yet?" I said, leaning forward to grab my room key. "Do you need our help?"

"Nah, I figured we could open the adjoining door and all just kind of hang out in between the two rooms. Are you ok with that?" he replied, grunting slightly. He and the guys must have gotten a lot.

"Yeah that's fine. I'll go open my door for you guys to come in," I said.

"Ok I'll see you in a minute," he said and hung up. I turned to the door and opened it closing the top lock on it to keep it open enough for them to just push it.

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