Chapter 36

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Caty POV

When I woke up that afternoon, I was facing the window and the sunlight was bathing the end of our bed. I stretched as I sat up, looking over at Zak's bedside. He was still sleeping deeply, his mouth parted and his head sideways off the bed. I chuckled slightly, gently moving his head so it was on the pillow. He grunted but otherwise showed no notice that I had moved him. I smiled and shook my head before crawling out of bed and grabbing my phone from the table by the tv. I unlocked it and noticed that there were no messages. I frowned sadly, thinking of Tara. I was still worried and wanted more than anything to know she was ok. I decided that I would send Aaron a text.

C- Hey big bro, I don't know if you are up, but I wanted to check in and see how you and Tara are doing. It was only a couple of minutes before he responded.

A- Hey Caty Cat. We are ok. She's sleeping right now. I don't know how badly that thing affected her but she had a hard time sleeping today. It was rough. Are you ok?

C- Yeah I'm ok. I'm still a little shaken up from last night, but I'll be ok. 

A- Are you hungry?

C- Starving.

A- Meet me downstairs at the car. We can go get something to eat, just us.

C- Ok let me just leave a note for Zak. He's still asleep.

I bent down over the table where there was a pad of paper and a pen that the hotel had left in the room and scribbled a quick note, telling Zak where I was and not to worry. Then I dressed quickly and headed down to the parking lot. I walked out the front doors just as Aaron walked out of the elevator. He jogged to catch up with me and I stopped to wait. Once he had caught up, he wrapped me in a huge hug before pulling me back to look at him.

"Morning kiddo," he said brightly. I looked at my watch; it was three in the afternoon.

"More like afternoon," I replied, chuckling. He chuckled and threw an arm around my shoulders, leading me out to the car. I slid into the passenger seat and a few moments later, we were pulling out of the parking lot. The trip to the diner was silent but comfortable. Knowing my brother, he probably wouldn't want to talk about last night. When we pulled into the parking lot of the diner, he jumped out of the car, seeming his usual self. I stepped out and we walked inside. Once we sat at a table, he looked at me.

"How you feeling Caty Cat?" he asked, quietly. I shrugged.

"I'm ok," I replied. "Worried about Tara but otherwise ok." He nodded.

"She was having nightmares today. It took me forever to get her to sleep," he said sadly. "I hate this for her." I leaned forward taking his hand.

"She's tough. She will make it through this. I know she will," I said, squeezing his hand gently. He only nodded. Just then the waitress came over to take our order. I ordered the same thing I had ordered here a few days before when I had come with Zak. Aaron ordered a cheeseburger and when the waitress walked away, he leaned back in his chair to look at me, a slight smile on his face. 

"What?" I asked, smiling back, a little confused. He shook his head.

"I just still can't believe that you are having twins," he exclaimed quietly. "It's amazing. I always knew you would be a great mom and now you are making that a reality."

"I know, it's been crazy," I replied, running my hand through my hair. "I still can't believe it myself."

"Have you told dad?" he asked, slowly. I froze; I hadn't spoken to our father in years; he just never seemed to have time for me.

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