Chapter 27

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Caty POV

The next morning, Dr. Maselin came by to give me one last final check-up before I was allowed to leave. She wanted to make sure I could move without a lot of pain and even though I was sore, it was manageable. They also did one last ultrasound, just to make sure that nothing negative had developed. I was given a clean bill of health and she brought in my discharge papers.

"Now remember what I said, no traveling for two weeks other than small distances in a car, and no ghost hunting for a while. You need rest and you need to make sure that you take care of yourself, for you and the twins," she said looking down at me sternly.

"I promise that I will take care of myself and be careful," I said, raising up my hands in surrender. Zak let out a cough that sounded suspiciously like he was trying to hide a laugh and I glared at him. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me. I could only shake my head. Dr. Maselin wished us well and we were free to go. As I got dressed, Zak left the room for a few minutes, and just as I was gathering my things to walk out, he returned with a wheelchair.

"Zak, I'm pregnant not an invalid," I said, raising an eyebrow at him. He pushed the chair towards me and said nothing as he stopped right in front of me and locked the wheels. We stared at each other for a moment before I sighed and sat in the chair. It was actually kind of nice having him act this way, although I would never tell him that. We were in the elevator when he spoke to me.

"Is there anything you need to do before we head back to the hotel?" he asked. I shook my head and just watched him. He truly was a god among men; handsome, tall, kind, funny, and he truly did care about my wellbeing. I smiled up at him and he looked at me confused. "You ok?"

"Yeah, just thinking about how lucky I am," I replied, happily. He smiled and bent down to kiss me. He pulled away much too soon and we made our way out to the lobby. As we walked past the nurse's desk on the main floor, he stopped.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get the car ok?" he said. I nodded and he walked out. I was waiting for him when a woman stopped and looked at me.

"Aren't you Caty Goodwin, from the Ghost Adventures show?" she asked excitedly. I nodded.

"Yeah, I am. How are you?" I asked.

"Oh it's amazing to meet you! My name is Cara. Seeing you has made my day. My dad is sick here in the hospital and getting to meet you has made things so much easier," she said, tears misting her eyes slightly. 

"I'm so sorry to hear that," I said, sympathetically. I reached out to take her hand and she took it gratefully. "I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive but would you like to take a picture?" She smiled brightly.

"Oh that would be amazing! I would love that!" she cried. Just then, Zak pulled up in the car and was walking back in as she was pulling out her phone. She saw Zak and gasped.

"Oh my goodness, you are both here!" she cried. Zak smiled at her. All three of us took a picture together and Zak pulled a sheet of paper out of the glove compartment of the car and we both signed it for her and her dad. "Thank you both so much. My dad is a huge fan; we watch your show together. I really hope that he gets better so that we can continue to watch the show together. I wish I would have had a chance to meet the others but you two are my favorites so I'm super happy."

"I'm glad we could help make your day a little brighter," Zak said smiling. She looked up at him and got a playfully stern look on her face.

"Just so you know Zak, half the world is waiting on news that you proposed. Hopefully we will see that news soon," she teased. He smiled broadly and winked at me. "Caty I heard about your accident. There was no details released obviously but I hope that you feel better soon. I can't wait to see you back investigating."

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