Chapter 32

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Caty POV

I was terrified. It was finally time for the lockdown to start. As I sat at nerve center waiting for everything to start, I watched as Zak did his intro to the show. I watched as his face became angry and I knew that he was getting to the main point of why we were here. We had agreed last night that it was finally time to tell the fans seeing as I was almost in my second trimester anyway and they would figure it out eventually. We had also agreed to release the details of my attack. We wanted everyone to know that this location was no joke. I was worried for Zak and the others though. They were already emotionally charged from my attack and all that was going to do was feed the entity, whatever it was. I suddenly began to feel sick to my stomach and a thought hit me like a lightning bolt; we couldn't do this investigation. This thing, whatever it was, knew that we would react this way. That's why it chose me to attack. It knew how it would affect us and wanted us to be vulnerable. With Zak and the guys as vulnerable as they were, it could open them up to possession. I looked over at Billy who was sitting by my side, fearfully. 

"Billy, we can't do this," I whispered, terror, etched on my face.

"Do what?" Billy asked, looking at Zak. He looked at me when I clutched his arm and saw how afraid I was. "Caty, what's wrong? What do you mean, we can't do this?"

"Billy whatever this thing is, it wants this. It wants the increased emotions of fear and anger. It wants us to be vulnerable so that it can cause you guys to be opened wide up for possessions and to cause chaos. We need to do this another time when we aren't so emotionally charged."

"Caty, we can't just stop," Billy replied, looking at me. "Everything is set up, ready to go and you know that Zak isn't going to just let it go. We know how to be safe and we know what not to do. I know Zak wouldn't do anything stupid right now. I have faith in him. We are doing this for answers. Trust me, I agree with you, but things are set in motion and I know that this has to be done." He pulled me into a hug and held me tight for a second. Just then I heard running footsteps as Zak and Aaron came over. Billy let go of me and I threw myself into Zak's arms.

"Hey woah, what's going on?" he asked, seeing my terrified face. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" I shook my head against his chest. 

"You can't do this investigation," I said, my voice slightly muffled. "This thing wants you all to be upset and vulnerable so that it can have you. You are opening yourselves up to possession by being emotionally compromised like you all are. I can't have you getting hurt, I just can't." At these words, my eyes filled with tears and I began to sob into Zak's chest. He pulled me into a hug and held me tight, rubbing his hands along my back as I cried. After a few minutes, I had calmed down enough that Zak, pulled back and looked me in the eyes.

"Everything is going to be fine," he said, gently taking my chin between his fingers and looking at me. "I promise, we know what we are doing and we are prepared for everything that could happen. We are all going to be ok."

"But how can you be sure? How are you sure that you won't be affected by what this thing is. You have no idea what could happen," I cried, gripping his arms tightly. "I just can't let anything happen to you." He shook his head gently and held me close again.

"Baby, I promise it will be ok," he said, rubbing my back. "I will be sure to take care of me and all of us the best I can. I promise that if anything goes wrong, I will end the investigation immediately and I will come and take care of you. But right now, you need to calm down and not stress. It's not good for you or the babies." I looked up at him and wiped my eyes. 

"Ok babe, I trust you," I sniffled. He hugged me close to him again and I held him tight. I was still scared but he was right; I needed to be strong for the twins. I held him tight for another minute before letting him go. He wiped my cheeks and smiled at me. 

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