Chapter 5

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Caty POV

The ride to dinner was pretty uneventful. Billy and Jay rode in the very back again, while Zach and Tara rode in the middle. He wasn't driving because he had had a couple drinks before leaving. That left me and Aaron in the front. Aaron was dancing along with the radio for a few minutes before he turned it down and spoke to me.

"So Caty Cat how's things been?" he asked, smiling at me. I loved how easy things were with my brother. He was my best friend and I had missed him.

"Things have been good. I've been trying to do as many investigations as I can, but we are needing to branch out now. I've done almost everything I can in Utah, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada. It's all about trying to find the right locations at this point," I replied.

"I hear that," he agreed. "There was a lot of trouble for us when we started out. We had a lot of trouble finding some of our investigations too. Don't worry you'll get there, I promise." He reached over and took my hand and squeezed it.

"Hey Catherine are you looking forward to the investigation at the Goldfield?" Billy asked from the back.

"First off, you guys have got to stop calling me Catherine," I replied, turning to look at him. "Call me Caty. The only people that have ever called me Catherine are my parents and my mom is gone and my dad and I don't speak a whole lot. And secondly, I'm so stoked. I watched the episode of the last time you guys were there and I have to make sure that my dumbass big brother doesn't do anything stupid this time."

"How old are you turning in a couple days?" Jay asked.

"I'll be twenty-eight," I replied. "Aaron and I are eighteen years apart. My dad met my mom while he was in the process of getting divorced with Aaron's mom. I was the product of a one night stand and didn't actually meet dad until my mom died when I was ten." 

"Damn, I'm sorry," Jay said. I shrugged. 

"It's whatever," I said, turning back around. "Dad wasn't really around for me much. Aaron was there for me more than anyone else was. We bonded over music and investigating."

"That's really cool," Zak said. "I never knew that." I turned and smiled at him.

"Yeah, Aaron is my best friend even as annoying as he is," I replied, chuckling.

"Hey, I'm not that bad," Aaron protested. I laughed and patted his arm.

"It's ok, teddy bear," I said. "I still love you regardless."

"Teddy Bear?" Billy, Jay and Zak asked together.

"Yeah, that was my first nickname for him when I was a kid, because he was a big teddy bear with me," I explained.

"Aww, that's so sweet Aaron," Billy cooed from the back.

"Oh, shut up," Aaron said, but he smiled at me and winked. I laughed at him. We pulled up to the restaurant and as Aaron parked, I looked around. It was a steakhouse, that I had heard good things about. I stepped out of the car and Tara immediately took my arm. We were about halfway to the restaurant when she stopped.

"Shit, I forgot my purse," she exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "Hey Zak, take care of Caty for me I need to go back and get it." She smiled and waggled her eyebrows at me. I was super confused but she was already headed back to the car. Zak walked up and smiled at me. I smiled back and he fell into step with me as we made our way into the restaurant. Aaron, Billy, and Jay stood with us just inside the door while we waited for Tara. Just as Tara came through the door, holding up her purse, the hostess came to seat us. They put us at a long table for the six of us and I ended up sat next to Zak and Tara, while Aaron sat on Tara's other side. Zak's chair was really close to mine and a few times we ended up brushing arms as we ate. After we were finished eating, we sat and talked for a while. I knew the guys wanted to get to know Tara and I better so we talked for the better part of an hour about literally everything. Soon enough, Billy and Aaron began to yawn.

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