Chapter 8

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Caty POV

I made my way down to the lobby where I was supposed to meet the others , my spirits high. He had kissed me, and he had feelings for me. My face broke out into a huge smile as I placed my fingers against my lips, remembering the feeling of his lips against mine. I walked into the lobby not paying attention and nearly walked past Aaron and Tara who were the only ones there yet.

"Um hello? Earth to Caty?" Tara called. I stopped and turned back to look at her and realized that I was already almost out the door. I walked back over to them, grinning sheepishly.

"You ok Caty Cat?" Aaron asked, looking a little concerned. I sighed and smiled again.

"Oh I'm better than ok," I sighed. Then I let out a squeak of surprise as someone wrapped their arms around my waist and pulled me into their arms. I could feel them rubbing their nose against my neck and after taking a deep breath through my nose, I could smell Zak's cologne and I relaxed. I slumped slightly in his arms and he chuckled in my ear. He set me back on my feet and I turned to look at him. He had a victorious grin on his face, his eyes flashing mischievously behind his glasses, his dark hair sticking up in his normal style. I smiled as he leant down slightly to kiss me on the lips. I stood up on my tip toes in order to get into the kiss a little more.

"Um, hello?" Aaron's voice said, sounding amused and a little grossed out. Zach and I pulled away from each other and I turned to look at Aaron, while Zak pressed his face against my neck again, his facial hair, scraping against my skin.

"Sorry big bro," I said, blushing furiously. Zak didn't say anything just nuzzled my neck for a moment before standing up and taking my hand in his. I looked up. He was about six foot tall, so of course my short five foot four ass had to look up at him. He grinned at Aaron and Aaron just shook his head, smiling.

"It's cool, I know you guys are hot for each other, but I really need you guys to keep the PDA to a minimum around me ok?" Aaron said, wrapping his arm around Tara.

"Only if you guys do," I retorted and Zak chuckled.

"I'm sorry Aaron, I just couldn't help myself," he said, looking down at me. "She's just so damn gorgeous." I blushed again and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear that had fallen out of my ponytail.

"Well how could she not be? She's my sister," Aaron said proudly. Zak and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. "What? You guys trying to say I'm not good looking?"

"Well not to me, but it was more about something that Zak said last night," I replied, still chuckling. Zak leaned over and kissed the side of my head. Just then Billy and Jay walked up.

"Well look at you two get all cozy," Billy said, nudging my arm. I grinned at him and he laughed. "Seriously though, it's nice to see you guys together. Zak has had a crush on you for the longest time." Zak shoved him and grinned down at me.

"Alright, alright," he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and looking at the others, suddenly serious. "This is going to be a dangerous lockdown. We need to keep our heads and not take any unnecessary risks. Caty will be with me and I assume that Tara will be with Aaron. If either of you feel anything, let Aaron or I know immediately. We will need to document it. We are going to do this like a normal episode, whether this makes it to tv or not. We follow all the same steps and do what we normally do. Caty you and Tara are welcome to try some of your normal stuff, but just explain it to Aaron or I first. Everyone understand?" We all nodded and headed to the car. Right before we reached the car, Zak pulled me aside.

"I need you to promise me something," he started, looking down at me seriously. "I need you to be careful and tell me immediately if there is something wrong."

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