Chapter 16

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Caty POV

Over the next few months, things between Zak and I only got better. We were extremely happy, and he was finally relaxing with the investigations. He had worried for a while after the Goldfield but after the first couple of investigations, things were much better. Our sex life was even better than the other aspects of our relationship. Zak and I were having sex probably four or five times a week at this point and it was always random. Sometimes he would come home from the museum and was ready to go, or there were times where I would bend over in a certain way and he would pounce. Not that I was complaining of course.

About six months after I moved in with Zak, we were once again preparing for another investigation and I was excited about this one too. We were going to Greenville, Pennsylvania to investigate the Greenville Manor and I was stoked. Another place I had never had the chance to see, and it was finally happening.

One thing was messing with me though. I had been so tired the last few weeks and just feeling really crappy. I had been puking a lot and just exhausted. I would get up and make breakfast and lay on the couch. Zak was beginning to get worried but I figured it was just the stomach flu. As he got ready to go to the museum to deal with an event that they had coming up, I went through my normal routine and was lying on the couch watching one of the early episodes of Ghost Adventures. It was from season two where they investigated the Castillo De San Marcos. It was hard for me to choose a favorite episode of the show because I loved them all but this probably was in my top five. A commercial had just come on as Zak stepped out of our room, wearing his signature black pants, but with a dark blue shirt, peeking out from under his black jacket. I was a little surprised that he had decided on some color. Normally he was all black. I looked up at him as he walked over to kneel down in front of me.

"Hey I'm headed to the museum," he said, placing his hand on my face. "I'll be back later tonight ok?"

"Ok, babe," I said, smiling at him. "Be careful ok?"

"I promise you I will," he said sincerely. "Do you want me to call you later?" I shook my head.

"I'll probably just sleep most of the day," I replied, yawning. "I'm still so tired." He stood up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed me a bottle of ginger ale and brought it to me.

"You still not feeling well?" he asked, placing it on the table and crouching down again. 

"Yeah, but it's not as bad today," I said. He pulled me in for a kiss and stood up.

"I love you babe," he said. "So much. I hope you feel better at some point today."

"I love you too baby," I replied, taking his hand for just another moment. "And I do too." He kissed the top of my head and walked out. I settled back down on the couch, sipping my drink for a little while. After about a half hour, my phone rang. I grabbed it from the couch and answered it not really paying attention. 

"Hello?" I said.

"Girl, you are not going to believe this!" It was Tara. I paused the tv and sat back on the couch. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"Aaron is taking me to Greenville early for a few days for us to get an idea of what we will be doing for the investigation!" she said, sounding excited. I smiled. We had always dreamed of going to investigate the Manor and I knew she was going to be on pins and needles until she was finally there. We would be there in about a week, and the days were moving to slow for me.

"That's amazing, I'm super jealous," I said. My stomach was starting to churn again and I wasn't sure how long I was going to last without puking this time. Tara was going on about her and Aaron heading in early and I knew that I couldn't hold it. "Tara hold on." I ran for the bathroom and before I could hang up, I was puking again. It took me a minute but finally I was finished and I sat back on my heels, breathing hard. I picked my phone back up and tried to resume our conversation.

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