Chapter 9

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Caty POV

It was time to get started. I stood to the side as Zak did his intro for the cameras just in case this did become an episode. He was explaining why we were back at the Goldfield again and I stood watching him. I had a smile on my face, watching. I was incredibly proud of who he was and what he could do. All of a sudden I jumped as Tara nudged my arm. Zak was looking at me, holding out his hand. I pointed at myself and he laughed.

"Jay we are going to need to redo that introduction to Caty," he said, and Jay nodded. I was paying a little more attention now and when he introduced me, I walked over to him. "So Caty, it's great to have you investigating with us. You are Aaron's sister right?"

"Yep that's right," I said, looking at Zak, silently trying to tell him that he was going to need to sleep with one eye open after this.

"And you are a sensitive and a paranormal investigator yourself, right?" he asked.

"Yes, so I am able to feel the emotions of the dead and sometimes they will show me how they died. I am able to feel everything they want me to, whether emotional or physical," I explained, looking over at Jay. I was used to doing my own introductions but I wasn't used to doing interviews. Normally Derek did that kind of thing.

"Well we look forward to seeing what you can do during this investigation," Zak said as he finished up the segment. He waved at Jay and as Jay put the camera down, I turned on Zak.

"What was that?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I told you we were going to do this just like a normal episode," he said, taking my hands in his. "I don't know if this will end up on tv or not, but depending on the investigation and what we get will determine that later. I'm sorry I didn't say anything about interviewing you, but if this does go to tv, people will be wondering who you guys are. I already did one with Tara."

"It's ok," I sighed. I glared up at him playfully. "But you'd better sleep with one eye open tomorrow mister." He laughed and held his hands up in surrender.

"Yes ma'am," he said, turning to the building. I took a deep breath. "Are you ready for this Caty?"

"Yes, let's go," I responded, walking up to the main door with Zak and the others and walking inside as Zak held the door open for us. As soon as I walked in, I was immediately hit with a wave of energy that almost knocked the breath out of me. I bent over slightly in response to the onslaught of energy, putting my hands on my knees and Zak was at my side instantly.

"You ok Caty?" he asked looking worried. I nodded and waved him off. Tara came over to my side and bent down next to me.

"Breathe through it Caty," she said calmly. I could see Aaron and Jay walking around me with their cameras but I ignored it, following Tara's voice and breathing through it with her like we always did in a situation like this.

"Is she ok?" Zak asked, sounding worried. I could feel his hand on my back, rubbing between my shoulders.

"Yeah, this happens a lot," Tara explained. "When the energies are negative or if there is a lot of them at once, it knocks her off a little bit. She has to breathe through it and work through it. It's a lot on her all at once and she has to compartmentalize everything and prioritize which energies to work through first." Zak was still rubbing my shoulders. I continued to breathe for another minute but this was really different. I gently pushed his hand away and grabbed Tara.

"I need to sit," I said, crouching down and sitting in the middle of the floor. I bowed my head and Tara ran to get my purple bag. I could hear Zak telling Aaron and Jay to put their cameras down and then I saw the toes of his boots in front of me as he crouched down.

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