Chapter 21

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Caty POV

I hadn't meant to sleep so long but when I woke up it was the next morning. I sat up and threw back the covers to find Jay and Billy spooning in the other bed, with Jay as the big spoon. I stifled a laugh and grabbed my phone to take a picture. Blackmail for later, I thought to myself with a grin. I immediately went into my messages and started to send it to Zak but stopped myself as I remembered the previous day, my grin sliding from my face. I shook my head to try and rid myself of the thought and stepped over to the mini fridge to grab a bottle of water. I sent a text to Tara to see where she was and I looked over at Jay and Billy again. They were snuggling even closer and I had to cover my mouth again to keep from laughing. A few minutes later, I got a text back from Tara telling me that she was coming to their room. I opened the door, and waited. A few minutes later I saw Tara step out of the elevator and run to me. I held up a finger to my lips and beckoned Tara into the room. She stepped inside and almost lost it when she saw them spooning.

"Oh my goddess that is just too funny," she said, her eyes swimming with tears of laughter. I laughed with her silently and got an idea. I gestured to her to wait and took a deep breath. A let out a tiny scream and they jumped awake, knocking heads with each other. Tara and I burst out laughing. They both looked up at us and then looked at each other. Once they realized the position they were in, the jumped apart with a yell of disgust. I was doubled over laughing, holding my sides as they glared at me.

"Oh ha ha, very funny," Billy said, not sounding amused. 

"Oh don't worry," I said, my laughs calming down. "I have proof." I shook my phone in the air and looks of horror spread over their faces.

"You didn't," Jay said. 

"Oh yes I did," I replied. "And trust me, I will use it." They just glared at me and Tara and I laughed again.

After a few minutes, Aaron made his way up and we got ready to go to the Manor in order to start setting up for the lockdown. They all knew that I was planning on leaving before Zak got there in a few days for the lockdown. I figured at this point that he still thought that I was in Denver and had probably already flown out there. I figured Aaron would probably tell him where we all were but, I really honestly was not expecting him to come. I really honestly didn't think he cared anymore. 

"Hey you ok?" Tara said, touching my arm as we made our way to the car, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah," I said, nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders. Tara raised an eyebrow at me, thoroughly unconvinced.

"You were thinking about him, weren't you?" she asked. I turned away from her so that she couldn't see my reaction. "Caty, it's ok for you to miss him." I turned away toward Aaron who was walking up behind us.

"Hey do you have everything?" I asked him, completely ignoring Tara's comment. "Do you need any help with anything?"

"Nah I'm good little sis," Aaron said, loading up the trunk. I nodded and went to get in the front seat of the car. I would be riding again with Billy and Jay and I decided to wait on them. I could hear Tara and Aaron whispering at the back but I ignored them. I wanted to cry but I just couldn't anymore. They slammed the trunk and Billy and Jay slid into the car. 

I was quiet for the majority of the ride over to the Manor and Billy and Jay just talked amongst themselves about the lockdown. I hated that I wasn't going to be a part of it, but I wouldn't be able to bear being around Zak so soon. After just a few minutes, we made it to the Manor and we all got out, Aaron and Tara arriving a few minutes later. We made our way into the building to meet the owners and employees. Several of them were avid fans of the show and I found myself being hugged and asked a bunch of questions about me and Zak. I answered as best as I could without breaking down again. After about twenty minutes of constant questions, Billy stepped up and asked that they all leave the area for a couple of hours so that we could get things set up for the lockdown. 

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