Chapter 17

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Caty POV

I decided to just head back to the house in order to take the test. That way I could be in the privacy of my home when I found out. I went straight to the bathroom as soon as I made it in the house and took the test. After I had peed on the stick, I turned it upside down on the counter so that I couldn't see it and I called Tara. 

"Caty, are you ok?" she asked as soon as she answered.

"We'll find out in a few minutes," I said. My hands were shaking and I was about to lose my mind.

"Caty, listen to me," Tara said as I leaned over the sink thinking I was going to be sick again. "Whatever the outcome, you are not alone! Aaron and I are here for you and you know Zak is too. You are loved and you will be taken care of." 

"I know," I said, every part of me trembling now as I prepared myself to turn the test over. I took a deep breath. "Ok, it's time to find out." I reached out and turned the test over. It was positive. For a moment I forgot how to breathe. I took the test in my hand and stumbled back over to the toilet. 

"Caty? Are you there?" Tara's worried voice asked.

"It's positive," I whispered. "Tara I'm pregnant." She was silent for a moment before she screeched into the phone.

"Oh my goddess Caty! That's incredible," I could practically see her jumping up and down. "I can't believe you are pregnant. See I told you it wasn't the stomach flu."

"You can't say anything to anyone," I told her, still in shock. "I have to figure out how I'm going to tell Zak."

"Just go tell him! Where is he anyway?" she asked, still excited.

"At the museum. He had a few things that he needed to get done before we go to Pennsylvania," I said, staring at the test again.

"Well get your butt up and go tell him!" she encouraged. 

"I will," I replied. "I'm going to go to the museum right now and tell him."

"Girl call me and tell me afterwards what happens," she pleaded. I promised I would and hung up. I looked at the test again, tears springing to my eyes as I processed what was happening. I was pregnant. Zak and I were going to have a baby. As it finally hit me, the only emotion I could feel was joy. Pure joy. And I know he would be just as happy. I went into the room to get dressed in something other than pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I put on a cute flowy dress and my flats. As I went to leave the room, I passed the floor length mirror just inside our room and turned sideways, imagining myself with a baby bump. I was so excited to tell Zak I couldn't wait any more. I left the house and got into my car, heading by the store on my way in order to get a few things to surprise him with. I found a cute baby onesie that said, "Daddy is my hero", and a little pair of baby booties. I also grabbed a gift bag and some tissue paper in order to make it a real surprise and went to check out.

Back in my car I put everything in the bag and made it look cute. For good measure, I took a piece of tissue paper and wrapped the pregnancy test in it and put it in the bag too. Then I drove back to the museum. Once I had pulled in, I grabbed the bag and smoothed my hair, hoping that I looked ok and not like I had been puking my guts up for weeks. I locked my car and walked inside the building. I ignored the feeling that popped up in my chest, because at this point, I had been here so much I was used to it. I headed to the staff room, thinking that he would be there but the only people I found were Casey and Hunter.

"Hey guys!" I said brightly.

"Hey Caty! It's good to see you!" Hunter exclaimed, waving at me.

"What are you doing here?" Casey asked, a smile on her face. "Zak said that you weren't feeling the greatest."

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