Chapter 34

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Caty POV

Everything was dark. I couldn't see and it felt suffocating. I knew that I had been overtaken by something. Whatever it was had felt so much pain and suffering, it was a miracle I was able to comprehend it. I could hear it whispering in my head, the most awful things. I needed to break free from it. It took all of my strength but somehow I was able to break free.

I shot straight up, my eyes snapping open, my breathing ragged and harsh, my bruised ribs burning with my efforts to breathe. I was gasping for air when I realized that someone was rubbing my back and turned to look at who it was. Tara was sitting next to me, a look of concern and fear on her face. She was talking softly to me, but through the sound of my pounding heart and ragged breathing, I couldn't quite understand what she was saying. I looked into her eyes as my breathing began to slow and finally I was able to breathe normally even though I was still terrified.

"Caty, you ok?" She asked, still running her hand along my back. I nodded still unable to speak as I swallowed a few times trying to find my voice.

"What happened? Where's Zak?" I asked finally, trying to figure out where I was. After a moment I realized that I was in the car and it was just Tara and me alone.

"He's inside with Billy and Aaron," she replied softly. I nodded. "Caty, what do you remember?" I sat back in my seat and thought for a moment trying to remember what had happened.

"I remember Zak and I had gone to the car for..." My face burned red as I remembered our little rendezvous in the car. I looked over at Tara who was smirking at me, an eyebrow raised in amusement.

"You went and jumped each other's bones, no surprise there," Tara replied nonchalantly and I blushed again. "What else?"

"We had come back to nerve center and were waiting on you to get back. The last thing I remember is looking up at the manor and then everything went black. What happened?" I finished speaking and looked over at Tara who didn't look amused anymore.

"You tried going inside," she said softly, taking my hand again. My jaw dropped. I had no idea that I had tried going inside. We had tried so hard to keep me away from the manor but whatever this thing was, was still affecting me somehow.

"Did I...get inside?" I asked, not sure if I really wanted an answer to my question.

"No thankfully," Tara replied and I sighed in relief. "Billy was closest to you and he was able to grab you before you made it onto the porch. You got close though."

"Is Zak ok?" I asked, turning to look out the window. I could see Jay sitting at nerve center and he looked anxious and concerned.

"He's pissed," Tara replied and my heart dropped. "Not at you but whatever is trying to get to you is playing dirty and he's pissed about it. He asked me to sit with you and now he's inside trying to get answers."

"He needs to know I'm ok, me and the twins," I said and I jumped out of the car and took off toward Jay. As I walked up, Jay turned to me and signed in relief.

"Caty you're ok," he breathed and stood up to wrap me in a hug. He held me tightly before releasing me and holding me by the arms.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I feel ok just a little tired. How is he?" I asked, sitting down next to Jay, watching the monitors. I could see Zak, Billy, and Aaron in one of the upstairs rooms but they still weren't to where I had been initially attacked. Jay sat down next to me, while Tara who had caught up with me, stood on my other side.

"He's...a mess honestly," Jay sighed. "He's been yelling and demanding that it show itself and he's pissed that nothing is happening."

"How long was I out of it?" I asked, watching the screen.

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