Chapter 10

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Caty POV

Zak, led me back to the car, his arms around me the entire time. I was terrified. That was definitely not something I had been expecting. Tara stood back while Zak helped me into the front seat. I buckled my seatbelt and leaned my head back. I could feel Tara's hand on my arm, and I felt sickened. I had attacked my best friend. I placed my hand over hers and looked over at her.

"Tara I am so sorry," I whispered. "I couldn't control him." Tara shook her head and squeezed my arm lightly.

"I know you would never hurt me on purpose, sweetie," she said, quietly, looking me in the eyes and I could tell she meant it. She didn't seem afraid of me so I was glad for it. "I'm going to go find Aaron and I will see you tomorrow morning at the hotel ok?" I nodded and just then Zak jumped into the driver's seat and looked over at Tara.

"You riding back with the others?" he asked her and she nodded. 

"Don't let her out of your sight, Zak," she said sadly and he nodded.

"I won't. I promise," he said. She gave me a last hug before closing the door and running off to find Aaron. Zak started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. The ride was silent for a few minutes, before Zak turned to me and sighed. "Are you ok?"

"I honestly don't know. I've never been taken over like that before," I replied, shaking slightly. "Normally they just show me what they want me to know, but this thing, it wanted me." Zak reached out and took one of my hands in his.

"You're ok now," he said. "You're going to stay in my room tonight so that I can look after you. I'll sleep on the couch and you can have the bed."

"I'm not kicking you out of your bed," I said, shocked. "I can sleep in my bed, we can just keep the adjoining door open." He was shaking his head.

"No, I want you near me in case you need me," he said, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing it. "That's why I'll sleep on the couch. I want you to be comfortable, and safe."

"Why don't you just sleep in the bed with me?" I asked, looking down. "That way you can keep me close and not have to sleep on that terrible couch."

"Are you sure?" he asked, sounding unsure. I nodded.

"It's the best way for you to keep me close, safe, and both of us comfortable. I'm ok with it really," I replied. "Besides, it will happen eventually right? I mean we both admitted our feelings for each other and it's just a matter of time at this point." I heard him gasp slightly and I looked down again. 

"Miss Goodwin, I didn't think you were the type of girl to jump in bed with a guy after the first date," he teased. I snorted in amusement.

"I wouldn't necessarily call that a date," I said, grimacing. "Demonic possession and attacking my best friend, yeah what a date."

"It's not your fault," he said quietly. I nodded.

"I know, but its still throwing me off," I replied. "I've never been that angry before. It was like I was seeing things through a long tunnel and I was trying to fight it but it was almost impossible."

"Well I will gladly sleep in the bed with you if it would make you more comfortable," he said, smiling at me. I smiled back and nodded. I needed to be close to him. He made me feel safe and I knew that if I was near him, I'd be ok. We fell silent again and after a few minutes we made it back to the hotel. Zak parked the car and he came around to my door to help me out of the car. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and led me into the hotel and into the elevator. He never removed his arm from my shoulders until we were outside his hotel room. He opened the door and flipped on the light. We stepped inside and I sat down on the bed.

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