Chapter 7

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Caty POV

It was finally time to get ready for the investigation. I knew that we were going to do this as if it were a real episode but Aaron said that it probably wouldn't make it to tv. I was perfectly ok with that. Aaron was more the one that enjoyed the spotlight, not me. But I was excited to work one on one with Zak. I was realizing that my feelings for him were stronger than I originally thought. We would be leaving in about two hours and I knew that I needed to talk to Tara before we left. I had called her to my room and was waiting on her when she finally knocked. I threw the door open and yanked her inside by the arm. She squealed slightly and I shut the door behind her. 

"Ok what is going on?" Tara asked as I threw myself on the bed.

"I'm going to tell him," I whispered. "I'm going to tell Zak that I have feelings for him."

"Finally!" Tara said, throwing her hands in the air. "Finally you listen to me! I can't believe that it took this long, but you finally listen to me."

"I'm so nervous dude," I said, wringing my hands. "I honestly am so freaked out and afraid that he is going to reject me."

"Girl, I'm not supposed to say anything to you, but Aaron had this same talk with Zak yesterday," she said, looking up at me.

"What?" I breathed.

"Yeah, apparently, he is going to tell you the same thing after the investigation," Tara replied. "He just wants you to be focused on the investigation."

"Dude, I don't know if I can wait," I said, turning and wringing my hands again. "I'm going to be thinking about it all night and its going to throw me off my game. He already asked me to investigate with him one on one and I can't be around him that close if he doesn't know. I think I need to do it now."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Tara asked, jumping up. "Go! Go do it now! I'll see you later." I nodded and she left through the front door, giving me a thumbs up as I stood at the adjoining door and knocked. It was only a second before Zak answered, a look of surprise on his face. 

"Caty," he said, shock lacing his voice. "What's wrong, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I just need to talk to you about something extremely important before the lockdown tonight," I explained in a rush. He looked at me for a moment and nodded.

"Of course, come in," he said, stepping to the side to let me in. I slipped past him into the room and started wringing my hands again. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," I responded. I turned to look at him. "Listen, there's something I need to say and I need you to not say anything until I'm done ok?"

"Ok sure," he replied, sitting on his bed. I sat down next to him and took a deep breath.

"I needed you to know this before the lockdown because I knew with this on my mind that there was no way I would be able to focus," I started. He just looked at me, calmly. "I have feelings for you Zak, and they are extremely strong. I don't know exactly what this could be yet, but if you have the same feelings that I do, I want to see where this could go and what this could be. I really feel strongly about you and I needed you to know that." He was silent for a minute, looking a little shocked. Before I knew it, I was in his arms, and he was kissing me passionately. His hands worked their way up my shirt and he held me close to him, kissing me hard and strong. After a moment he pulled away panting, and I looked at him. 

"I was going to tell you the same thing after the investigation," he whispered, placing his forehead against mine. "I'm so glad that you told me now though. Now I don't have to worry about it all night."

"I can't believe that you felt the same way this whole time and we were both too scared to say anything," I said, pulling back to look at him. "We are both idiots aren't we?"

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