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━━━【❦】And so later, it's been almost an hour since you've been at the mall

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━━━【❦】And so later, it's been almost an hour since you've been at the mall. Jackie had already been waiting for you since she'd been with her other friends at the place as well. She was walking beside you as Suna walked behind you. And where ever you went he obviously did, so he had to go through many stores of the many choices you had.

In some you found cute clothes in, having the money to buy them you did. As well as other stores than retained accessories and makeup. Even if you looked at an item and think you didn't need it, Suna would immediately tell you he'd get it for you as long as you did want it. You appreciated it many times like always. You loved and hated the way this man would treat you sometimes.

"Ooh! Let's go into this one Y/n." Jackie held your hand and led you into the interesting store. Your eyes began darting around at everything there was since you've already bought a few things you weren't planning on getting anything else. So you began looking around along with Jackie just to see if anything caught your eye.

"Wait, is this cute?" Jackie held up a thin striped sweater.

"It's not even cold yet..."

"So? Actually- fuck I don't know." Jackie tilted her head, she lightly smiled then put the sweater back.

"I didn't know they had a makeup section, this is cute." You wondered a few feet away from the spot you were just in. You glanced behind you to double-check if Suna was still in your sight, though you saw him in the same spot you and your friend were just in since he hadn't realized you'd walked away. And as most of the time when Suna goes shopping with you, he'll be on his phone typing away. Though you couldn't blame him, he'd been walking around for almost two hours while you asked his opinion on items you liked.

"I think I have that exact same blush, in that same color too Y/n. You can just borrow mine." She grabbed the cream blush you had in your hand. You nodded and kept on looking around. You weren't looking at anything in particular in this section since you have about enough of what you need at home.

A few seconds later you and Jackie made your way to the jewelry section you then noticed Suna was following behind you both again, still on his phone. Then, a worker with long dark red hair came up to the two of you with a greeting smile. She had her hair in a side part ponytail while holding keys in her hand. "Do you girls need any help?" She asked.

"No, thanks though," Jackie barely looked up at the worker as she was bent down looking at a pair of earrings in her hand. The worker smiled at Jackie as her eyes glanced over at Suna who was behind her. Not once did she make any eye contact with you. Well, you didn't think anything of it since it wasn't much to think about either. She walked away while glancing back at you, giving you a nasty look.

"Y/n, you should get these they're so cute and they'll look so good on you." Jackie showed you a pair of silver small rose earrings. In the middle have a diamond that fits perfectly into the center of the earrings. You looked at them and nodded no. They were pretty no doubt. Though for almost extremely much more than you ever buy in your entire life? No.

"Let me see," Suna popped out behind you, taking the earrings from you and scanning them with his eyes. "They'll look nice on you baby." He nodded.

"Yeah, no." You took them away from him. It was just too much. You'd feel bad even if he's bought you a few things already today, even with those you feel guilty as well.

"But what if I wanna get em' for you?" He furrowed his eyebrows. Not to mention in the last two stores you've entered, he bought you a few jewelry pieces like rings and a necklace. This man generally loves spoiling you whether you liked it or not.

Suna walked over to the cash register to pay for them. You sighed then looked at Jackie as she shook her head and laughed.

"This reminds me of when we went shopping for some party and Suna acting like your sugar daddy the whole time, kind of like right now." She raised her eyebrows. Jackie only found it funny how you'd hate when someone would buy you expensive things while she'd wish for someone to buy her those things.

While Suna paid, you and Jackie roamed around the cash register looking at other items. One thing you liked about Jackie is how almost one of many things she'd see in stores or in public, would remind her of something. A person, a memory, or thoughts. It'd always end up in a story she has about it. She'd tell and you always listened.

The redhead took the card from Suna while unnecessarily touching his hand. "Do you have a girlfriend? You're kind of cute and you have money, wow."" The cashier asked lowly. She pressed a few buttons on her screen and placed her hand where the recipe would print out.

Suna scoffed. "You think I'm buying these for myself?"

"They'd look good as fuck on you if you ask me," She bit her lip.

It's not like you were so far away from the register. And you listen to most things but this one got you. You turned around the same time as Jackie did. Your friend furrowed her eyebrows and walked closer to the front.

"Y/n... Please tell me you heard this hoe..." Jackie said. She scanned the girl. Just because the hat she had on, made it more noticeable who she was exactly.

"You're a fucking bitch, why do you pop up here out of most fucking places?" Jackie asked in annoyance.

You didn't mind not one bit the way Jackie was speaking to the girl. You just didn't understand what she meant by what she asked. Suna stood there, confused. Though he snatched the receipt out of Kasumi's hand and waited for the small bag too as Kasumi held it close to her.

You were unfazed once you knew who the redhead was. Though you didn't recognize her at first due to the shade of red she had now. But she sure did know who you, your boyfriend, and your friend were at first.

Jackie was over everything between Kasumi. Though she thought she'd never see her again and the day when she'd been enjoying hanging out with her close friend she deals with someone like Kasumi.

"Can you give me my bag, damn," Suna sighed, taking it away from Kasumi and taking his card back. Kasumi's jaw tightened. The one coincidental time she sees Rintaro, she'd just wish to have more moments with him as the ones before didn't last long.

Kasumi had been gone. She stopped showing up at school. Deleted every social media she had. Cut most of her friends off other than the ones nobody on this living earth would want to have. Nobody knew or heard about her.

Suna did, though. Not just one thing or a few. But many.

She got a job and stayed working for a while. It didn't mean she was fine or pleased with her situation. She was a miserable mess she felt that she needed to push that on everyone around her when she got the chance to. In other words, she was the biggest hater to anyone. Or anything. But somehow she showed up at this exact time and location.

Jackie spent a few more seconds replying to Kasumi's negative words. Every word that came out of Jackie's mouth at the moment was true and had a point. You appreciated her taking the defense of you since she loves you truly as a friend. You just rather are outta here than stand in the same living area as the girl.

"Com," You rolled your eyes and sighed already feeling a headache coming your way. Jackie agreed as you all walked out of the store being the last few customers in there anyway.

"There's no fucking way you had no idea who she was Rin." You looked up at him as he held your hand tight.

"I didn't and still kind of don't." Suna shrugged, completely bored of the topic about Kasumi. I mean, of course, he would, had heard enough about her as well as even spoke to her during her missing months.

But of course, he'd act clueless about the topic he 'secretly' likes.

i rlly miss writing

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