• Unfamiliar Surroundings •

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The calming sound of water seemed to fade away as a new white noise faded in. It started as a simple ringing in my ears, something that didn't bother me that much but it soon turned into a shrill noise. It was high pitched and made my head hurt, instantly shooting upright. It faded quickly, replaced by a rhythmic beeping.

I was in a bed, in new clothes and in a room I wasn't familiar with. I realised it quickly to be a hospital room, similar to the ones I used to be in from time to time when Dad would get especially angry.

I looked down at an IV in my hand, and quickly noticed I wasn't in my clothes from before. I was in a hospital gown, and my hair had been brushed. Who the fuck undressed me? I then noticed a sort of clip on my finger, and it took a moment for me to recognise that it was monitoring my heartbeat.

I felt dizzy as I saw a white plastic cup on a small table beside the bed. It was filled with water and I desperately wanted to drink it to full the sore feeling I had in my throat. I didn't though, instead looking away as I pulled my legs from under the covers and practically threw them over the edge of the bed.

They felt so heavy. My arms did too, but not as much as my legs. They felt like they were dragging me down through the bed even though I knew for a fact that they weren't.

How did I get here? I tried thinking back to when I had gotten here, but the last thing I remembered was being with Carl. I couldn't even remember where at first, I just knew I was with Carl, and Dad when he recognised I was there. The thought of my dad then made me realise that I wasn't with Carl before I was here. I had been with Dad after being with Carl, and Daryl floated around my head a bit but I couldn't pinpoint why.

I didn't dwell on it, ripping the IV from my hand, ignoring the pain that came from it. I could see a small dot of blood slowly turning into a larger one, but I ignored it. I then ripped the clip from off my finger but instantly regretted it as it started rapidly beeping. At first it was a simple beep beep beep but it soon turned to a long beeeeeep which I knew couldn't be good.

I grabbed the closest thing to me, which was a pen, left beside a clipboard. As tiring as it was, I quickly ducked behind the bed, just as the door burst open. I could see multiple feet from under the bed, and could feel my heart rate quicken.

"Where did she go?" I heard a man panic, and that was when I launched forward.

I didn't know who I had thrown myself at, I just knew they were whoever was closest to me. I didn't pay attention to what he looked like either as I threw my hand up and forced it back down. I had expected the pen to pierce through his skin by his collarbone exactly where I had aimed, but it didn't. Instead I had a hand grabbing my wrist and pulling it away from him whilst other people dove into action and pulled me back away from him.

Some had to dive over the bed to be able to get to me since I was on the other side of it but they overpowered me either way, the dizziness and heavy feeling tormenting me.

"Knock it off, we saved you," a woman's voice spoke after the pen was pried from my fingers much to my disapproval.

"No you didn't, I didn't need saving."

Truthfully, I didn't know if I did need saving, but I still remembered all the lessons that Dad had taught me, and getting into a position of needing someone's help was bad.

"Oh yeah? Well my officer found you running from a small herd. I'd say you needed saving."

Her face didn't give away anything of a lie but I didn't trust her. If I was running from a herd I would've been running with Dad, and Carl, Daryl, Rick, Tyreese and the others.

"Was I with anyone?" I quizzed, going against all of my dad's rules as I challenged her.

"You were on your own besides the corpses, you should be grateful and not trying to kill us."

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