• Punishments •

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After seeing Michonne knock out Rick, I was very confused. Carl's eyes hadn't left me once and I couldn't help but feel squeamish under his gaze. I didn't stand around to see what would happen next, I sped walked back to the house and upstairs, practically slamming my door and hiding my knives back in their rightful place. I laid on the bed, my eyes fixed upon the white ceiling that I was growing more used to seeing.

Before Alexandria, even before meeting Rick and the others, I'd never stayed in one place for long. We had camps that we upheld for a week at most, but never something like this. It never got to a point that I had my own place, or that I could just mull around without a certain danger around the corner. Of course, I knew that this place wasn't 100% safe; someone could leave the gate open and it get flooded with walkers, people could get too entitled and try take over. But I was growing more comfortable here and I didn't know how to feel.

The door flew open, and I shot upright into a sitting position seeing Carl there. He didn't look happy but he didn't look upset either. He stepped into the room closing the door behind him.

"You took Ron outside the walls? What were you thinking?" He scolded, pacing around the room with an almost panicked look on his face.

"He was bored, so what?" I watched as he scoffed, and I felt myself go back into my old state.

Blank face, blank eyes.

"Seriously? You could've gotten hurt. He doesn't have a clue what he's doing and what if you needed help? You expect him to come to your rescue?" He rambled, his voice raising louder and louder.

I didn't answer, keeping my gaze locked on him. It wasn't like I would've needed help anyway. I wanted to bring up Enid and how he'd been sneaking out of the walls too but was pushing my luck a good idea? What if it looked like I was challenging him?

"Seriously Lia, what if something happened to you?"

"It didn't though," I said, and watched as his head spun to look at me.

I held my breath.

"Amelia, stop it. You aren't invincible and you can't keep acting as if you are. I can't have you getting hurt," his face had changed from the distressed, angering look he once had. Now, he looked more scared, upset even.

"I'm sorry," I said, resisting the urge to look away and avoid the awkward situation I was in.

He sighed, and walked towards me. He stood above me, and I craned my neck up to look at him. He wrapped his arms around my sitting form, and I froze. He rested his chin on my head, and it was then that I decided to let it happen. I let my cheek rest against his chest, hearing the soft thumping of his heart.

"Carl?" I spoke quietly.

"Hm?" he hummed in response and I tilted my head to look up at him.

"What's going to happen now?" I asked, meeting eyes with him before he looked ahead.

"We'll be okay."


It seemed that everything had gone back to normal with me and Carl. Well as normal as things were. It wasn't tense between us and I was actually looking forward to our next card game. Instead though, I was stuck sat around a fire pit, listening to people mumble about what they think should happen to Rick. I was sat next to Maggie, who looked deep in thought next to Glenn.

"I was hoping Rick would be here for this but we aren't waiting any longer," Deanna announced, and I spoke up from my spot on the floor.

"Sure, let's all talk about someone who isn't here to defend themselves because that's fair."

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