• Changes •

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(merry christmas everyone, and to those who don't celebrate i hope you have an amazing day anyway)

I had barely been asleep an hour before I woke up to an intense cramp in my lower abdomen. I panicked at first, thinking I'd already further injured my gunshot wound but relaxed when I realised I hadn't.

I rolled over, clutching my stomach as I faced the wall. I wanted to check the time, find out if it was worth trying to go back to sleep but the tiredness made me struggle to even open my eyes. Sleeping on the floor was actually quite comfortable, however my small den I had made had begun to sink a bit now from me lying on it.

"Are you awake?" I heard a very quiet whisper from behind me, snapping me out of my momentary contemplation of re-poofing my pillows and blankets.

I didn't answer, unsure if they were even talking to me, and I was 99% sure it was Carl who'd asked so I definitely didn't want to answer. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to him, because secretly I did, I just didn't want to have to feel the awkward tension that came from being near him.

I kept my eyes closed, and heard a sigh and some shuffling of blankets. I stayed still, despite me desperately wanting to fix my bedding and pretended to sleep.

I walked the streets of Alexandria, looking up at the sun that beat down on us. It was dangerously hot, and the group were happily fanning themselves in front of our new home.

I saw Rosita smiling the biggest smile I'd seen her give anyone, Maggie and Glenn hugging each other despite the sweat that drenched the collars of their shirts. Tyreese held baby Judith, a loving smile on his face whilst Rick and Carl stood beside each other, looking up at the sun. I walked near them, passing Daryl who had a small smile on his face as he watched everyone's pure happiness.

The clouds rolled in quick, darkening the sky and within seconds the rain was pouring down. Everyone was still happy, but as I looked around, I saw the neighbouring houses' doors swinging open and off their hinges. Rocks and branches were smashing through windows and one of the roofs even came off entirely.

I lifted my arms to shield my head and looked around quickly at the group. It was as if they were hypnotised, ignoring the havoc wreaking around them. It looked like a tornado but I had never actually seen one before, so I was simply going off of speculation.

I knew I was dreaming from the pure chaos that I knew could never actually happen in real life. Sasha had jogged outside to join her brother, a large smile on her face but was knocked down by a chair, that had been flung by the harsh winds.

After her, it seemed everyone was a target, furniture and other materials flying around my head and hitting everyone else but me. I felt a strange feeling of fear and adrenaline as I walked away from them all. There was one corner of Alexandria that I could see was calm.

A nearby house was intact and it was still sunny despite the rest of the sky being dark grey. I ran to it, running in the house to see no furniture. An unfurnished house. In the middle of the main room was my dad. The exact same position as when he died only there was no tree on him anymore.

His leg was still gone, separated from his body, and blood now coated what once was the floor.

I shot awake, pushing the blankets off of me and bringing my knees to my chest. I calmed my breathing, looking around to see the sun rising. I could see Daryl still sat on the porch and a few empty spaces where people used to lay. Their bedding was still there, untidily thrown to the side as they'd woken.

I could hear light footsteps and the shower turned on upstairs so calmed down as I let myself lean back against the wall. My dream had shaken me, not because it was necessarily scary because it was beyond chaotic and very easy to tell I was dreaming. Maybe it was the concept that scared me, of everyone being so unaware of the surrounding danger. Or just seeing Dad dead all over again.

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